About Field definer
General business object settings
Setting a business object under construction
Specifying the maximum number of records shown
Changing the icon of business objects
Enabling authorization for a business object
Enabling the use of a reference date for free business objects
User-defined business objects
The Orders business object
Creating user-defined business objects
Creating user statuses
Enabling automatic form printing
Defining user status transitions
Configuring status transitions
Status flow diagram
Status transition
Adding statuses and transitions
(Re)arranging the status flow
Adding a user-defined business object to a TSI
Allowing end users to change the type of business object
Settings in Field definer
Settings in Layouts
Making field settings
Setting field attributes
Overview of field attributes
Linking a picklist to a free field
Using the 'Derived from field' and 'Derived field' attributes
Defining default values
Defining a default time
Using macros to specify a default value
Field types
Modifying the field type
Reconfiguring Free date-time fields
Automatic updating of field attributes
User-configurable system names of free fields
Changing system names of free fields
Multiple-selection lists
Linking a multiple-selection list to a business object
Making a multiple-selection list available
Using a multiple-selection list for filtering
Display types
Configuring display types
Configuring database indexes
Adding extensions
Linking extensions to a business object
Adding extended actions
Applying condition filters
Adding condition filters to a business object
Making settings for specific business objects
Settings for the Base Activity Definitions business object
Adding additional clustering criteria for Maintenance Planner
Setting a time-limit for maintenance order generation in the past
Setting an asset's technical end date as start date of activity
Preventing order generation on non-working days
Preventing order generation outside contractual period
Specifying a maximum number of maintenance activities generated per PPM order
Preventing activity planning outside the contractual period
Settings for the Activity definitions (base) business object
Adding additional clustering criteria for Activity Planner
Preventing order generation outside contract line period
Period for short-term cost overview
Period for generating planned activities
Period for long-term cost overview
Period for order generation in the past
Preventing order generation on non-working days
Specifying a maximum number of maintenance activities generated per PPM order
Settings for the Budget categories business object
Setting for the Car parks business object (time slot duration)
Settings for the Contracts business object
Settings for the Contract lines (base) business object
Settings for the Financial years business object
Setting for the Hazard Logs - Asbestos assessments business object
Settings for the Invoices business object
Settings for the Knowledge Base business object
Settings for the Maintenance Plans business object
Settings for the Orders business object
General order settings
Requestor information
SLA settings
Service Scheduler
Purchase orders
Resource PlannerStatus mapping
Work assignments (license check setting)
Settings for the Observations business object
Settings for the Price announcement letters business object
Settings for the SLA search priorities business object
Settings for the Spaces business object (create space usage)
Settings for the Standard orders business object
Settings for the User sessions business object
Settings for the Work assignments business object
User-translatable list values
Making list values multi-language
Notes on translatable list values
Country-City structure
Using the Country2 field
Using the CityReference field
Populating the Country-City structure
Enabling automatic history
History aware business objects
Field Descriptions
Free string fields
User links
Extended actions
Custom indexes fields
Condition filters fields
General order setting fields
Requestor information - order settings
Costs - order settings
SLA - order settings
Reservations - order settings
Requests - order settings
Contract settings
Invoices business object - settings
Price announcement letters business object - settings