Application management : Configuration : Field Definer : Applying condition filters : Adding condition filters to a business object
Adding condition filters to a business object
Complete the following steps to add a condition filter.
1. Go to Condition filters in the navigation panel.
2. On the action panel, click Add and complete all relevant fields in the data section.
For a description of these fields, refer to Condition filters fields.
3. Click Save.
4. Go to Field definer and select the business object to which you want to add a condition filter and switch its status to Under construction.
5. Go to Details > Fields step, select the field(s) to which you want to apply the condition filter.
On the General tab, there are three fields to apply the condition filter:
Mandatory for condition
Invisible for condition
Read-only for condition
6. Depending on the condition required for the field, select the condition filter that you have defined on the Condition filter step in one or more of the following fields:
Mandatory for condition
Invisible for condition
Read-only for condition
7. Set the status of the selected business object back to Completed.
You have now added a condition filter to the field(s) of the selected business object.
On an application form, there are the following fields:
Name, Age, Qualification, University, Insurance, Address, Coordinator
University field
Insurance field
Coordinator field
Mandatory for condition
Age > 40 years
Invisible for condition
Qualification <= 12 grade
Read-only for condition
Status = ‘In process’
The University field will be hidden from the layout, if the qualification entered is equal or below grade 12.
The Insurance field will become mandatory, when the age entered is over 40 years.
The Coordinator field will become read-only, when the status of the form is changed from Initial to In process.
The condition filters can only restrict the fields. They cannot change the inherent behavior of a field. Hence, a field that is inherently read-only cannot become editable due to a condition filter. Similarly, a mandatory field cannot become non-mandatory and a field that is not on the layout cannot become visible.
Note that Planon does not support the use of a mandatory condition filter for life cycle fields.
Condition filters can be applied in ProCenter Java Client, Web Client and Self-Service.