Contract settings
Combined closure?
Specify if you want to (trial) close the financial commitments and accounting commitments in one go (choose Yes) or if you want to (trial) close them separately (choose No). By default, this option is set to No. For more information on this subject, see the section Using the 'Combined closure' setting in the Lease Accounting documentation.
Note that this setting has to be manually added to the following layout: Popup_ContractSetting
Display payments / receipts as positive amounts?
Specify how amounts of the type 'Pay' and 'Receive' are shown as positive (+) or negative (-) in the Financial overview in Contracts . For both types of amounts, you can specify if they should be shown as positive (+) or negative (-). If set to Yes, amounts are multiplied by 1; if set to No, amounts are multiplied by -1.
Contract line 1 = 100 dollar; Contract line 2 = 130 dollar; Contract line 3 = -80 dollar. Total amount = 150 dollar
If the Display payments as positive amounts? option is set to Yes, the total amount is multiplied by 1. Total amount is: 150 dollar
If the Display payments as positive amounts? option is set to No, the total amount is multiplied by -1. Total amount is: -150 dollar
Contract line 1 = 200 dollar; Contract line 2 = 70 dollar; Contract line 3 = -90 dollar. Total amount = 180 dollar
If the Display receipts as positive amounts? option is set to Yes, the total amount is multiplied by 1. Total amount is: 180 dollar
If the Display receipts as positive amounts? option is set to No, the total amount is multiplied by -1. Total amount is: -180 dollar
Combination of payments and receipts:
Contract line 1 = 100 dollar to be received; Contract line 2 = 70 dollar to be paid
If the Display receipts as positive amounts? and Display payments as positive amounts? options are both set to Yes, the total amount is 170 dollar.
If the Display receipts as positive amounts? is set to Yes and the Display payments as positive amounts? option is set to No, the total amount is 30 dollar.
If the Display receipts as positive amounts? is set to No and the Display payments as positive amounts? option is set to Yes, the total amount is -30 dollar.
If the Display receipts as positive amounts? is set to No and the Display payments as positive amounts? option is set to No, the total amount is -170 dollar.
Cash flow calculation - years
Specify the number of years in advance for which Planon should calculate and show financial commitments on the Financial commitments selection step in Contracts . The value specified here is always relative to current year. E.g. with a value of 10 (years) the cash flow will be calculated for the years 2019 (=current year) up to and including 2029.
Suppress modification records during In Preparation status?
For contracts in the In preparation status and contract lines in the Inactive status, you can choose whether or not Planon creates modification records in Contract life Cycle or Contract line life cycle. By default, Planon does not create modification records for changes made during the In Preparation and Inactive statuses. If you want to keep track of changes made to contracts in the In preparation status and contract lines in the Inactive status, in Field definer , set the Suppress modification records during In Preparation status? option to No. For each change made to a contract or contract line, Planon now creates a record in the respective life cycle level or step.
Log history of contracts with 'In preparation' status?
For non-life cycle fields of contracts in the In preparation status and contract lines in the Inactive status, you can choose whether or not Planon maintains history. By default, Planon does not maintain history of changes made during the In Preparation and Inactive statuses. If you want to keep track of changes made to contracts in the In preparation status and contract lines in the Inactive status, in Field definer , set the Log history - In preparation status? option to Yes. For each change made to a contract or contract line, Planon now creates a history record.
Display English quarters in financial overview?
This option allows you to display English quarters in the Financial overview in Contracts . No is selected by default.
English quarters differ from the modern quarters. These quarters start on different dates and have a different duration compared to modern quarters. English quarter starts on 25 Dec.
Display Scottish quarters in financial overview?
This option allows you to display Scottish quarters in the Financial overview in Contracts . No is selected by default.
Traditionally, Scottish quarter days are termed as Rent Days by commercial properties. These are the days when contracts and leases begin/end and accounts settled. Scottish quarter starts on 28 Feb.
Display Old Scottish quarters in financial overview?
This option allows you to display Old Scottish quarters in the Financial overview in Contracts . No is selected by default.
Old Scottish quarters differ from the modern quarters. These quarters start on different dates and have a different duration compared to modern quarters. Old Scottish quarters start on February 2, May 15, August 1 and November 11.
Display Irish quarters in financial overview?
This option allows you to display Irish quarters in the Financial overview in Contracts . No is selected by default.
Irish quarters differ from the modern quarters. These quarters start on different dates and have a different duration compared to modern quarters. Irish quarters start on August 1, November 1, February 1, May 1.
Restrict deletion of contracts?
This option allows restricting the deletion of:
Contracts in the Active status
If set to Yes, you can only delete contracts in the In preparation status. If No is selected, the restriction is removed and you can delete contracts in both the In preparation and Active statuses.
Lease accounting contract lines that have already been closed (after financial closure / accounting closure)
If set to Yes, you can only delete lease accounting contract lines that are still in preparation (status Inactive). If No is selected, the restriction is removed and you can delete accounting contract lines that have already been closed (after financial closure / accounting closure).
Update budgets on basis of budget definition?
This option allows you to determine how update budgets are updated. No is selected by default, which means that budgets are updated per contract line. If you want to update the budget by creating journal entries, you must set this option to Yes, in advance.
Once the financial year is Open and journal entries have been created, you can no longer change this setting.
Display Financial overview based on closure date?
This option enables you to display the total commitments and supplements on the financial overview of a contract, based on the closure/start /end date. Selecting Yes will display the financial overview based on the closure date. Selecting No will display the financial commitments based on start/end date.
The display financial overview based on closure date option is not applicable to Overview including payments on Financial overview.
Take retrospective payments into account?
Setting this option to Yes ensures that the retrospective payments are included for accounting calculations in the original period, if a contract is entered or changed retrospectively. Default setting is No. For more information, see the Lease accounting documentation, the section Amount changes in a financially closed period.
Execute background action sequentially?
Closing contracts via Action on selection as a background action can potentially cause a hiccup because - in specific situations - contracts try to update the same related data in the database simultaneously. This causes a conflict. To avoid this, you can run contract actions sequentially in the background by setting Execute background action sequentially? to Yes. All (trial) closures and status transitions are supported. After switching this setting, the actions are processed sequentially and no longer in parallel. The time to complete will increase for the sequential run, but it will prevent hiccups. The logging of this run is registered on the step Sequential contract background actions.
For more information on background actions for contracts, see Using background actions.
Address type
Use the Address type setting to preselect the address types for which Planon should automatically create a contracting party when a new address is registered. When an address is registered based on the preselected address types, Planon will always generate a contracting party. If you do not configure a preselection of address types, Planon will prompt you to confirm whether a contract party should be created.