Creating user statuses
You can create user-defined statuses and status transitions for all user-defined business objects. This is also possible if the system business object does not have statuses by default.
You have created a user-defined business object, called Complaint (see Creating user-defined business objects). You require an extra status for it: Complaint withdrawn. This status is based on the system status Canceled.
1. On the Business objects selection level, select the Orders business object - this is the highest level in the tree - and set it to Under construction.
2. Within the Orders tree, select the required system business object, in this example Requests.
3. Go to Details > Statuses.
4. Select the system status on which you want to base the new user-defined status. In this example this is the Canceled status.
If the business object is a subtype of the Orders business object, a user-defined status should always be related to a system status.
5. Click the Add user status action.
Planon now creates a new status.
6. Complete the Code and System name fields.
As a best practice, do not use spaces when specifying the System name and statuses, instead use underscores.
7. In the Icon field, select the required icon.
8. Click Save.
9. Enter the translated name for the status. This is the name end users will see.
You have now created a user-defined status. Next step is to define the possible status transitions for the user-defined business object. For more information on defining status transitions, see Defining user status transitions.
For more information on the Print form and Mail merge report fields, refer to Enabling automatic form printing.