Reservations - order settings
Automatically cancel visitors?
This setting determines whether the visitors of a reservation are canceled automatically if the reservation is canceled.
If this option is set to Yes, visitors are canceled if the reservation is canceled, even if the user concerned is not authorized to cancel visitors.
Enable reservation periods with non-bookable hours?
With this setting you can allow reservation periods to have non-bookable hours.
Allow shortening of reservations made by Exchange?
Select Yes to enable shortening of a reservation created by Exchange. No is selected by default.
Enabling this setting will have consequences as the reservation will not be updated in the calendar of the attendees. So, any change in the reservation timing must be communicated.
Catering and cleaning order groups
Catering order group
Select the order group that must be used to filter out the standard catering orders.
Cleaning order group
Select the order group that must be used to filter out the standard cleaning orders.
Start time of day
Specify the start time of the working day.
End time of day
Specify the end time of the working day.
Max. reservation duration
Specify the maximum duration of a reservation (in days, hours or minutes).
In addition to this general setting, it is possible to specify a specific duration per reservation unit (space unit, asset unit or flexible workspace).
However, the reservation unit setting cannot exceed the general setting specified here!
Transition period in minutes
Specify the time frame (in minutes) before and after a reservation during which the reservation unit (both space units and asset units) is not available.
For example: a space unit needs to be cleaned after a meeting; during this time, it cannot be booked.
The transition period you specify in this field applies to all reservation units. If a reservation is made that overlaps with another reservation - while taking the transition time into account - the system displays a message.
Reservation activity – bar text
Open the dialog box to select a report and click OK.
The report, specified earlier, contains the information of a reservation such as Start date & time, external visitor, and so on. When selected, the report’s text is displayed on the bars of the reservation units such as Space units/Asset units/ Flexible workspaces in the Graphical planner (Reservations).
Order activity – bar text
Open the dialog box to select a report and click OK.
The report specified earlier contains the text information related to the suborders of a reservation. When selected, the report’s text will be displayed on the bars of suborders in the Graphical planner (Reservations).
For more information about reports, see: Specifying text on the bars of the graphical planner
Standard order for asset units
Select a default standard order to be used when booking an asset unit in the graphical planner.
Standard order for flexible workspace units
Select a default standard order to be used when booking a flexible workspace unit in the graphical planner.
Standard order for space units
Select a default standard order to be used when booking a space unit in the graphical planner.
Context menu item
In this reference field, you can select the actions you want to be included in the context menu of the Reservations planboard, such as Make recurrent, Add visitors, Copy and so on.
Booking utilized
Canceling enabled?
Select Yes to enable reservation cancellation, when a No show event occurs. The cancellation is executed by a scheduled task that must be configured in the Alerts TSI and activated in the Scheduled Tasks TSI.
Cancel status
Click the reference field icon and select a cancel status from the dialog box to be assigned when a room reservation is canceled.
No-show time offset
The offset period you select here determines the period (calculated from the start time of the reservation) after which the scheduler will cancel reservations that have no check-in. Enter the offset period in minutes. During this offset period, the room remains Booked / Reserved (field Booking utilized? on the reservation = Yes). When this time window has passed and canceling has been enabled , the room is made available by an action definition and the reservation is canceled.
Catering orders
Displays all user-defined work orders that are considered to be catering orders. Use the Links panel to configure this list.