Application management : Configuration : Field Definer : Country-City structure : Populating the Country-City structure
Populating the Country-City structure
Countries and Cities are now proper business objects in the Planon application.
Moving to this new structure requires some preparation and data migration as explained in this topic.
•    For this procedure it is expected that the new Country-City structure has already been implemented. See Using the Country2 field and Using the CityReference field.
•    The data in the LAND picklist has to move to the new Country2 business object. The data in the City business object will just be reused.
The following steps will explain how to gather data and migrate this data to the new structure by using Data onboarding (you could also use Enterprise talk).
To break down the steps, this is what we will be doing:
Export the country/city data (steps 1-3)
Create templates and data onboarding definitions (steps 4-6)
Fill out the templates (step 7)
Import the country/city data (steps 8-9)
To view a video of this procedure, see our Video Channel.
1. Go to Picklists and create a user report to export the picklist items for LAND
The LAND picklist contains the country data. In your report you only need to include the Description field.
2. Save the report as XLS (data only).
3. Do the same for BO Cities
In your report include the City and Country field.
You now have the required data.
4. Go to Layouts > Cities and generate an SDI definition.
For Select fields, include Country* and City (or, to make the data more unique, also include District, Municipality or Region).
5. Go to Layouts > Country2 and generate an SDI definition.
For Select fields, include Code and Name.
6. Go to SDI configuration, activate the definitions and download the templates.
7. Fill out the templates by using the data exported earlier.
For the City template, insert the country code in the Country* column. For the Country template, insert the country code in the Code column.
8. Go to Data onboarding and upload and validate the data sheets.
9. When validation has been completed, click Run.
Do this for both definitions. You must migrate data for all layouts affected by the new Country-city structure. Subsequently, you can remove the old fields, test all layouts and reports and, finally, activate the improved feature