User links
System name
Enter a unique system name for the multiple-selection list. This name is also used as the name of the link that you add to the Links action menu in TSIs where the multiple-selection list is to be made available.
The link names will become Java methods, when used in the web services. If the link names have white spaces and special characters like # ^ & ! ( + ? < >, there may be trouble while compiling web services.
Instead of white spaces, you can use underscore (_).
Indicates whether the link is a system link or a user-defined link.
Business object
Displays the name of the business object that is currently Under construction.
Linked business object
If the link type is user defined, use this field to click a pick list (business object) to link to the business object that is currently under construction.
Click a free field to which the multiple-selection list is to be linked. (Note: only free fields that are not 'In use' are displayed.) The selected free field can no longer be modified by users and it will remain invisible in the Planon ProCenter user interface.
Translated name
Allows you to enter description for the link, in the respective Planon ProCenter supported languages. However, the description is displayed in the language the application is set to.
The translated name of the link is displayed in the Links action menu of the concerned Business object's TSI.