Field types
For some free fields you can modify the field type. Depending on the category, there are different available field types you can choose from. There are four different categories of free fields:
Free fields (FreeString): for a list of the available free string field types, see Free string fields.
•    If you configure a free string field as URL field, please note that lengthy location URLs do not work. You can shorten the URL using a URL shortener.
•    Alternatively, you can change the field type to a Relative URL.
Free reference fields (FreeInteger): for this field type a reference to another business object can be selected.
Free date-time fields (FreeDateTime)
Free numerical fields (FreeDecimal)
Using a Relative URL
When using a Free field as a Relative URL field, you only need to enter the part of a URL that follows the base or root URL specified in the Externally accessible URL field in System Settings. Consequently, when configured as a Relative URL field, the Free field is relative to the Externally accessible URL.
Externally accessible URL
Relative URL
*•    Using Relative URLs is very useful when moving environments in a DTAP street - this way, Self-Service forms will remain working and can be tested.
•    The result of the two fields combined is limited to a length of 2000 characters.