Defining default values
These are the types of default values.
Default values set in Field definer . These defaults apply to the whole application and to all users. Authorization settings are ignored.
Defaults values set in Layouts . These defaults only apply to the layout concerned. Authorization settings are taken into account.
Layout defaults may be defined next to Field definer defaults and therefore can differ from the Field definer defaults. In case both a layout and Field definer default is defined, the layout default overwrites the Field definer default.
*It is not possible to define default values for field types such as document and file references, images, calculated fields etc.
For more information on configuring layouts and defining defaults in Layouts , see the Layouts user documentation.
1. Go to Field definer > Business objects and select the relevant business object. Set its status to Under construction.
2. Go to Details > Fields.
3. Select the field for which you want to define a default value.
4. Enter the required value in the Default value field.
5. Save your settings.
6. Set the business object’s status back to Completed.
If you changed the field type of a free field in Field definer , the default value of that field will be deleted. However, the default value in any related layout will not be deleted. The layout defaults have to be deleted manually.