Costs - order settings
Order line costs
Include costs from order lines automatically
If you enable this setting by selecting Yes, the total costs specified in the order lines are automatically included in the Actual > costs step at the Order details level of the Work Orders TSI.
Reservation costs
Automatically generate reservation costs
If you enable this setting by selecting Yes, the reservation costs specified in Reservation costs window will be displayed as an order line in the Actual > costs step at the Reservation details level of the Reservations TSI. Note that this only applies to reservation units to which a tariff group has been linked.
Chargeable reservation days
With the Chargeable reservation days option you can specify which days can be charged on to the requestor by setting the option for the relevant day to Yes. For a non-chargeable day, no reservation costs will be charged.
Calculation of cancellation costs
Based on working days
With this option you can specify if either calendar days or working days have to be used in the calculation of the cancellation costs. If set to Yes, working days are used, if set to No, calendar days are used.
Threshold based on days
With this option you can specify the minimum number of days for the calculation of cancellation costs based on calendar days. If the number of days is smaller than this threshold, the calculation of the cancellation costs is always based on working days.
Remove order costs on cancellation
Remove order costs on cancellation
Allows you to set the order costs to zero on canceling an order. When you select Yes in the settings, a confirmation message appears at the time of canceling an order (in Work Orders ), asking if you want to delete the order costs. The costs will be deleted only when you click Yes in the message.
No is selected by default. When you select No, order costs are retained on the canceled order.
This setting is possible only for the work orders.
Reservations do not have the option of canceling order costs.
Adopt standard costs from order group
Adopt standard cost category
If this setting is enabled, the standard cost category of the order group is copied to the order.
Adopt standard cost type
If this setting is enabled, the standard cost type of the order group is copied to the order.
The standard cost type and standard cost category from the 'Standard order' take precedence over the standard cost type and standard cost category from the Order group. If the respective fields are filled in on the standard order, this data will be applied. If the data is not available on the standard order, Planon checks this setting and applies it accordingly.