Adding additional clustering criteria for Activity Planner
You can configure settings to ensure that PPM orders are not generated outside the period specified in the associated contract line period.
1. Go to Field definer > Business Objects > Activity definitions (base).
2. On the Status transitions action panel, click Under construction.
3. On the System business objects action panel, click Business objects settings.
The Activity definition settings dialog box appears.
4. On the Links action panel, select Fields for clustering.
The Fields for clustering dialog box appears.
5. From the Available section, select the fields that you want to use as additional criteria for clustering in the Activity Planner TSI.
6. Click the right arrow button to transfer these criteria to the In use section and click OK.
The selected clustering criteria are shown in the Activity definition settings under Fields selected as optional clustering criteria.
7. Go to the Business objects selection level and on the Status transitions action panel click Completed.
The selected additional criteria for clustering maintenance activities are now available in the Activity Planner TSI.