Adding extensions
The process of adding extensions to Planon ProCenter involves five steps:
1. Create extensions in your preferred Java development environment;
2. After compilation of the class file(s), extend the API library (Application Programming Interface library) that is provided by Planon, with these files. It comes down to placing them in a directory that can be accessed by the application server.
3. Register your new extension(s) in Business processes > SX Configuration.
4. Link the newly registered extension to a relevant business object in Field definer (see Linking extensions to a business object).
5. Test whether your extension works by provoking the business rule (warning, error, confirmation) in a relevant TSI, that is a TSI (or TSIs) for which the extension was created.
For more information on the first two steps: refer to your Java documentation and the Solution Extensions part of the documentation. For the third step: refer to the Supporting data part of the documentation.