About Work Orders
Interaction with other TSIs
Work Orders - Concepts
Answer lines
Last minute risk assessment
Order types
Purchase orders
Maintenance orders
Order hierarchy
Order costs
Order groups
Order lines
Order preferences and defaults
Legend for priority coloring
Work assignment
Workflow and status transitions
Work-related questionnaires
Working with Work Orders
Finding existing orders using the Components level
Adding orders
Adding a suborder
Adding work assignments in Work Orders
Adjusting the view of the orders list
Show related orders
Show related orders on update
Show color based priority
Show where documents are attached
Show archived orders
Displaying additional requestor / asset information on an order
Viewing an order's health and safety information
Changing the order type of an existing order
Making an order recurrent
Repeating a suborder in recurrent orders
Modifying a recurring order
Adding order history manually
Logging department history
Archiving orders
Retrieving orders from the archive
Adding linked requests
Major and related requests
Creating a major request
Copy from major request
Linking similar requests to a major request
Reassigning rejected requests / orders
Calculating the Requested completion date
Working with questionnaires
Working with maintenance orders in Work Orders
Viewing a maintenance activity's health and safety information
Applying an order flow to orders
Creating projects
Linking existing orders to a project
Setting a reference date for a project
Logging order history
Working with standard orders
Adding an order based on a standard order
Filter options in the Standard order dialog box
Order preferences and defaults
Working with preferences
Working with defaults
Working with order lines
Adding order lines
Adding requisition lines
Including an estimate for a requisition
Adding purchase order lines
Cost management in Work Orders
Cost overview
Standard cost category and standard cost type
Adding quotations
Adding estimates
Adding actual costs
Estimated costs vs. Actual costs
Deleting order costs
Adding labor hours
Budget data on orders
Generating forms
Creating a template form
Retrieving a form for an order
Previewing forms
Prerequisites for emailing a form
Editing an email
Working with order documents
Adding a note/file as an order document
Forms as order documents
Communication logs
Adding communication logs
Forms as communication logs
Communication logs for PMFS orders
Communication logs for answer lines
CAD Integrator in Work Orders
Knowledge Base in Work Orders
Retrieving a knowledge base item
Finding knowledge base items
Applying a knowledge base item to an order
Viewing Knowledge base documents
Retrieving orders based on the same Knowledge base item
System reports - Work Orders
Costs overview
Impact of field changes in orders
Field change sequence in Work Orders
Field changes exemplified
Order statuses - configuration per order type
Requests statuses
Work order statuses
Reservations statuses
Maintenance orders statuses
Move requests statuses
Move orders statuses
Purchase orders statuses
Requisitions statuses
Work Orders - Field descriptions
Planning status on Orders - conditions
Order line fields
Quotation fields
Estimate fields
Actual costs fields
Labor hour fields
Requisition line fields
Purchase order line fields
Work assignment fields
Forms fields
Communication logs fields
Document fields
System report settings
Checklist item data on orders
Used line fields