Core TSIs : Work Orders : Work Orders - Field descriptions
Work Orders - Field descriptions
Order fields
The following table shows the main fields involved in your order administration.
Administratively completed on
The date on which an order is given the Order administratively complete system status.
All suborders completed
This read only field indicates, if all suborders under an Order are completed / canceled.
The field is set to No by default. However, if all suborders are set to administratively completed or canceled status, this field is automatically set to Yes on the main order.
If an order flow is applied to the order, canceling the (last) suborder will not set this field to Yes, since the order flow is not completed yet. In order to set this field to Yes, the order flow must be completed manually by canceling its end events. For more information, see Applying an order flow.
Approved by
The person who must authorize the order. For this field a pick list is available, containing people from the Personnel TSI.
Assessment definition
If you want to plan and perform assessments using orders, select a relevant assessment definition in this field. By linking an assessment definition to the selected order you make it possible to prompt field staff to perform the assessment via PMFS. See: Planning and performing (mobile) assessments via a work order.
Asset group
Information on the asset group to which the asset specified in the Asset ID field belongs. The contents of the field cannot be modified.
Asset ID
Select the asset from the list to which the order belongs. Use the filter options for a targeted search.
When selecting the asset ID, any additional information related to the asset as defined in the Information text field on Asset and building elements layout is displayed as pop-up. For more information, see Displaying additional requestor / asset information on an order.
Assigned by
The person for whom an order is completed (and who is charged for it). An option can be chosen from a pick list including all addresses of this type in the Addresses TSI.
The budget to which the order costs are booked. The field can only be completed if the Budgets TSI is available in your configuration.
Communication logs
Displays an overview of all the communication logs of the order. The communication added by the logged in user is shown to the right and any other communication is shown to the left of the Communication logs field.
This field refers to the contract linked to the order. A contract can be selected from a pick list.
Contract line
This field refers to the contract line linked to the order.
Cost category
The cost category, for example catering or automation, can be selected from a pick list.
Cost center
Select a cost center for the order from the list.
Created by
Enter the name of the person entering the order, if this person is logged on to the system under a valid user name.
Date accepted
Specifies the date on which an order is given the Order accepted system status.
Date-time coloring
Contains the date-time (in the time zone of the property) that is used to color the order when order coloring is turned on.
By default, this field will obtain the value of the Requested completion date (on save). However, the user can manually modify it, if required.
For more information on coloring the orders, see Priority coloring ( Supporting data ).
This field is only applicable and editable if the Multiple work assignments license and feature are not activated. It displays the number of hours needed to complete the order. Any changes to the tradesperson or the Start date-time will lead to recalculating the End date-time. Any updates of this field will also affect the value in the Planning status field. See Planning status on Orders - conditions for more information.
External company
If an order is completed by an external company, select the relevant company's address from the list. Use the available filter options to retrieve the right External company.
External coordinator
An external person responsible for coordinating the task can be selected in this field.
External requestor
Select an external requestor. The dialog box enables you to select an external requestor or to add people to the list of external requestors.
From the list, select the floor where the order must be carried out. Use the filter options for a targeted search.
If you have already selected a property, the list will automatically display the floors available in that property. If the Property field is empty or if a floor belonging to another property is selected, the Property field is populated with the relevant property of the selected floor.
Related follow-up actions
This read-only field displays the follow-up actions (if any) that are related to the order, with their latest status information.
Internal coordinator
Select a person from the list. The person in the organization responsible for completion of the order can be selected in this field.
Internal tradesperson
Select the employee responsible for carrying out the order. The Internal tradesperson field typically refers to an employee who is (going to be) assigned to the (maintenance) work described in the order, such as technicians, field engineers, inspectors, etc.
Related observations
This read-only details field shows the observations that will be resolved by completing the order.
Linked order
By using this field, you can link another order or request to the active order. If the related order/request is deleted, this field will be emptied.
Displays the automatically generated order number.
Number of people
Enter the number of people for whom a space unit is booked. This field refers to reservations only.
Order group
Select the order group to which an order belongs.
For this field, the Planon ProCenter administrator can also specify a default value.
For more information on default values, refer to the TSIs and Field definer documentation.
Select a priority from the list to specify the term within which an order must be carried out. For more information, see Priorities, ( Supporting data ) .
In this field you can select one of the available projects from a pick list. For more information, see Creating projects.
From the list, select a property where the order must be carried out. Use the filter options for a targeted search.
If you have selected a rentable unit, this field will be automatically updated with the related property.
Property zone
From the list, select an area/zone to which the property belongs.
Using the property zone, a single request can be created (instead of creating multiple requests) for the same problem at different premises in an area.
Selecting a zone improves usability, responsiveness and productivity.
Quotation date
Specifies the date on which an order is given the Order proposal system status.
Reassign to
Select a trade from the list to reassign the request / order rejected by the selected trade.
Related assets
Displays all the assets linked to the selected order. Archived related assets are also displayed when Include archived records is selected to Yes in Order business object settings.
For more information on the setting, see General order settings ( Field definer ).
Related records
Displays all the records linked to the selected order. Archived related records are also displayed when Include archived records is selected to Yes in Order business object settings. For more information on the setting, see General order settings ( Field definer ).
Rentable unit
Select a rentable unit from the list. Use the filter options for a targeted search.
Based on the selection in this field, the property field will be automatically updated.
Select a requestor from the list. The requestor is the person reporting the order.
When selecting the requestor, any additional information related to the requestor as defined in the Information text field on the Persons layout is displayed as a pop-up. For more information, see Displaying additional requestor / asset information on an order.
Reservation unit
Link a space unit or asset unit to the order.
If the selected reservation unit is linked to a default calendar, the working days and hours of that default calendar will apply to the order.
Standard order
Select the standard order that you want to apply to your order. The standard orders displayed in the list depend on the order group selected at the Components level.
Skip this field, if you do not want to apply a standard order.
If you add a suborder to an order that is based on a standard order, all standard orders of the order group that have been completed for the main order are displayed.
Displays the order's status, as selected on the action panel. All order types have predefined statuses and status transitions that can be used to indicate in which phase a particular task is.
Status transitions are user-definable and can be configured to suit your specific situation.
If so configured, Planon ProCenter will ask you if a job ticket (or other order form) should be generated upon a status transition, for example from status Reported to status Accepted. If the answer is Yes, you can send the tradesperson responsible for repairs a job ticket by email.
Special symbols denoting the current order status may have been assigned to the order descriptions in the elements list.
For example:
Technically completed on
The date on which an order is given the Order technically complete system status.
Select a specific trade from the list, to link to the order.
User-defined type
Displays the user-defined version of the Orders business object. See also Order types.
SLA fields
SLA service
If a request or order is entered and the SLA service field is also completed, Planon ProCenter checks whether the service is linked to a service level agreement (SLA) and whether the SLA is linked to an SLA contract line. If this is the case, all SLA information, such as costs and response time is copied to the request/order.
You can link an SLA service to a standard request/order in Supporting data . If a help desk employee enters a new request or order that is based on this standard request/order the SLA service field is populated automatically.
For details, see Creating standard requests/orders, ( Supporting data ).
For details on creating SLA services, see SLA Management.
To display a limited number of services with a valid SLA based on the data entered in the order, select Only display services with a valid SLA to display in the SLA service dialog box.
This field is automatically populated with the SLA linked to the SLA service when the SLA is applied to an order or request.
Reported on
Displays the date and time when the order was added.
Requested response date-time (user)
Specify the date and time at which the service provider should respond to the order. This time is initially calculated using the SLA's Time to respond on the basis of Original reporting date-time. If this is not specified, the Reported on date is used.
Requested response date-time (property)
Specify the date and time at which the service provider should respond to the order. This time is based on the time zone of the selected property.
Requested completion date-time (user)
Displays the date and time at which the order should be completed. This time represents the time zone of the user.
Requested completion date-time (property)
The date and time when the order completion is due. This time represents the time zone of the property. This field is updated only if the Multiple time zones feature is enabled.
For more information, see Multiple Time Zones.
This date-time is initially calculated using the Priority of the order on the basis of the Original reporting date-time.
If this is not specified, the Reported on date is used.
Actual response date-time (user)
Specify the actual date-time at which the service provider responded to the order. This field is updated only if the Multiple time zones feature is enabled.
The Actual response date-time is automatically calculated and populated when the status of the order is changed to Order accepted (applies to work orders) or Request in progress (applies to requests).
If required, you can change this date-time.
Actual response date-time (property)
Displays the actual date-time at which the service provider responded to the order. This time is based on the time zone of the selected property.
Actual completion date-time (user)
Use this field to specify the order’s actual completion date-time. This field is updated only if the Multiple time zones feature is enabled.
The Actual completion date-time is automatically calculated and populated when the status of the order is changed to Order technically completed(applies to work orders) or Request completed (applies to requests). If required, you can change this date-time.
Actual completion date-time (property)
Displays the order’s actual completion date and time. This date-time is based on the time zone of the selected property.
Original reporting date-time
Enables you to specify a date-time that should be considered as the date-time at which the order was entered.
When entered, this date-time is used to:
calculate the Requested response date-time, Requested date-time to attend, Requested date-time to fix, Requested completion date-time of the order
search SLAs
If the above calculations are based upon the (planned) Start date-time, they are not affected by the Original reporting date-time and this field is therefore made read-only. If no Original reporting date-time is specified, the Reported on date-time will be used in the above calculations.
If an SLA is applied, this field can only be changed for existing orders if the order has not been processed yet (still in the Reported status).
SLA priority
Specify a number to search for an SLA. By specifying an SLA priority for the order, a specific SLA can be found via the SLA scope.
Specify a number to indicate the importance of the order. Based on the weighting, the completion time score and response time score are calculated.
The value in the Weighting field can also be adopted from the SLA.
Completion time score
Displays the completion time score calculated based on the weighting. This score indicates if the order has been completed in time or too late.
If the Actual completion date-time is less than (or equal to) the Requested completion date:
Completion time score = Weighting
If the Actual completion date-time is greater than the Requested completion date:
Completion time score = (-1 * Weighting)
Response time score
Displays the response time score calculated based on the weighting. This score indicates if the response on the order was in time or not.
If the Actual response date-time is less than (or equal to) the Requested response date-time:
Response time score = Weighting
If the Actual response date-time is greater than the Requested response date-time:
Response time score = (-1 * Weighting)
Health & Safety fields
EHS required?
Select Yes if the field engineer has to acknowledge health and safety information when working on the order.
Only applicable if the EHS check required order setting in the Planon AppSuite is set to EHS required. For more information, see Planon AppSuite - Configuration Guide.
PMFS / AppSuite fields
Location description
Enter the details of the location where the order is to be carried out. This will enable you to register enhanced information of the location.
PMFS status
Displays the processing status of the PMFS order (AppSuite only):
Accepted: the engineer has accepted the assigned job on the mobile device.
Finished: the engineer has completed the job on the mobile device.
If there are multiple work assignments linked to this order, these will have their own PMFS statuses. In that case, this order field becomes obsolete.
Appointment booking?
Click Yes if the PMFS order must appear as an appointment booking on the mobile device of the field engineer (internal tradesperson). Once the order is made into an appointment booking, its start date is fixed.
If you are working with multiple work assignments (licensed feature), this field is set to Yes if one of the order's work assignments is an appointment booking (its Appointment booking? field is set to Yes). See the Work Assignments documentation for information on the relation between orders and work assignments.
If the Start date-time of the order is not filled in, the order will not show as appointment booking on the mobile device. In the PMFS app, field engineers can recognize appointment bookings by their icon. They should not start earlier or work longer on the order without consulting the customer first.
The default setting in this field is No (no fixed start date).
High priority?
Click Yes if the PMFS order must appear as a high priority order on the mobile device of the field engineer (internal tradesperson). Field engineers can recognize high priority orders by their icon in the PMFS app.
The default setting in this field is No (no high priority).
It is possible to make an order both a high priority order and an appointment booking, by setting both fields to Yes. In that case, the PMFS order on the field engineer's mobile device is marked by a merged icon.
Sign-off required?
Click Yes if it is required that the customer signs off the job on the mobile device of the field engineer, to acknowledge that the work was completed as agreed.
Sign-off by engineer required?
Click Yes if it is required that the engineer signs off the job on the mobile device upon completing the job, to acknowledge that the job has been fully executed.
Service Providers related fields (including Subcontractors)
Outsourced assignment
This field is only available on planned maintenance (PPM) orders. It is a reference to an Outsourced assignment on a contract with a subcontractor.
This field is only available on planned maintenance (PPM) orders. It is a reference to the subcontractor by whom the PPM order is carried out. The link with the PPM order comes from an Outsourced assignment (= subcontractor contract line) on a Subcontractor contract.
Reference to a linked service team. If Allocation agreements are configured and used within the Service Providers solution, the team will be automatically detected upon creating / generating a work order or PPM order.
Work assignment related fields (Multiple work assignments feature enabled)
Original budgeted hours
Enter the number of hours you originally had available as the 'time budget' for the entire order. Each time a work assignment is created, with its own number of assigned hours, these hours are subtracted from the original budgeted hours on the order.
Remaining budgeted hours
Shows the number of budgeted hours that has not yet been spent on the order.
Planning fields (Orders, PPM orders, Move orders)
Planned start date-time (work assignment)
Displays the date and time at which the work assignment should start. This date-time is based on the time zone of the selected property.
After the Multiple work assignments feature is enabled, this field can become editable and be populated under the following conditions:
the order's Internal tradesperson and requested Start date-time are filled in, while the Planned start date-time is still empty and there are no active work assignments.
the work assignment's Start date-time is populated.
Planned start date-time user (work assignment)
Read-only field that displays the date and time at which the work assignment should start. This date-time represents the time zone of the user.
Planned end date-time (work assignment)
Displays the date and time at which the work assignment should end. After the Multiple work assignments feature is enabled, this field can become editable and be populated under the following conditions:
the order's Internal tradesperson and requested End date-time are filled in, while the Planned end date-time is still empty and there are no active work assignments.
the work assignment's End date-time is populated.
Planned end date-time user (work assignment)
Read-only field that displays the date and time at which the work assignment should end. This date-time represents the time zone of the user.
Planning status
This read-only field shows the most recent planning status of the order:
UNK, Unknown
UNP, Unplanned
PPL, Partially planned
Note: this status is only available if multiple work assignments are allowed on an order and at least one of them is planned.
PLA, Planned
REP, Requires replanning
Which planning status is shown, is based on the time that has already been spent on the related work assignment(s). See Planning status on Orders - conditions for detailed information.
Upon completion or cancellation of the order, this field is cleared.
Total no. of assigned hours
Displays the total number of assigned hours of all work assignments.