Introduction to the Service Providers solution
Service Providers solution mode
Key to the Service Providers user documentation
The Service Providers' world
Defining a service catalog
Adding service agreement categories
Adding service agreement subcategories
Adding service agreement services
Defining material types
Defining order statuses for revenue calculation
Configuring a procuration procedure
Defining order statuses for revenue estimation
Configuring the invoice approval process
Defining order statuses for invoice approval
The Customers' world
Defining customer-related data
Adding customers
Adding service location types
Adding service locations
Adding service levels
Filtering customers by linked properties
Defining service contracts
Adding customer contracts
Adding contract lines
Linking contract lines to services, properties, service levels
Linking contract lines to services, properties, service levels
Defining invoicing methods
Defining service agreements
Adding service agreements
Copying service agreements
Adding general terms
Defining specific service terms
Adding specific service terms
Adding a calculation method for fixed travel terms
Labor hour settings for revenue calculations
Labor hour reversal
Linking labor hour terms to trades
Linking labor hour terms to tradesperson categories
Defining dynamic thresholds (threshold groups for terms)
Examples of service agreements with specific terms
Example 1: specific space / space type
Example 2: specific space / space type
Example 3: specific service location
Maintenance plan viewer
Maintenance plan viewer - screen layout
Maintenance plan viewer - features
Exporting the planboard to PDF or spreadsheet
Customer management - setting up Customer portals
Removing Web Client buttons from the ribbon
Replacing the Planon logo with a custom logo
Configuring the Homepage title
Assigning gadgets a fixed position on the homepage
Displaying customer logo of the logged on user
Maintenance plan viewer
Defining Maintenance plan viewer web definitions
KPI charts for customer contracts
KPI charts
Working with KPI charts
Adding KPI chart groups
Adding contract KPI thresholds
Field descriptions
Contract KPI threshold fields
Bonus - malus
Bonus - malus calculations
Customer contracts
Contract lines for customer contracts
Proactive reporting of contractual work
Methods for travel terms
Service agreements
Service agreement categories
Service agreement services
Service catalog
Service components
Service level
Service locations
Service terms - general and specific
Service provider
Subcontractor lines on an order
Surcharges - general terms and labor hour terms
Time aware links
Threshold groups - material terms and subcontractor terms
Threshold groups - labor hour terms
Tradesperson categories
Field descriptions
Customer fields
General terms - fields
Maintenance plan viewer fields
Methods for travel terms - fields
Terms for labor hours - fields
Terms for materials - fields
Terms for subcontractors - fields
Terms for time - fields
Terms for travel - fields
Service agreement fields
Service level fields
Surcharge rates - fields
Introduction to the Service Providers solution
Service Providers solution mode
Key to the Service Providers user documentation
The Service Providers' world
Defining a service catalog
Adding service agreement categories
Adding service agreement subcategories
Adding service agreement services
Defining material types
Defining order statuses for revenue calculation
Configuring a procuration procedure
Defining order statuses for revenue estimation
Configuring the invoice approval process
Defining order statuses for invoice approval
The Customers' world
Defining customer-related data
Adding customers
Adding service location types
Adding service locations
Adding service levels
Filtering customers by linked properties
Defining service contracts
Adding customer contracts
Adding contract lines
Linking contract lines to services, properties, service levels
Linking contract lines to services, properties, service levels
Defining invoicing methods
Defining service agreements
Adding service agreements
Copying service agreements
Adding general terms
Defining specific service terms
Adding specific service terms
Adding a calculation method for fixed travel terms
Labor hour settings for revenue calculations
Labor hour reversal
Linking labor hour terms to trades
Linking labor hour terms to tradesperson categories
Defining dynamic thresholds (threshold groups for terms)
Examples of service agreements with specific terms
Example 1: specific space / space type
Example 2: specific space / space type
Example 3: specific service location
Maintenance plan viewer
Maintenance plan viewer - screen layout
Maintenance plan viewer - features
Exporting the planboard to PDF or spreadsheet
Customer management - setting up Customer portals
Removing Web Client buttons from the ribbon
Replacing the Planon logo with a custom logo
Configuring the Homepage title
Assigning gadgets a fixed position on the homepage
Displaying customer logo of the logged on user
Maintenance plan viewer
Defining Maintenance plan viewer web definitions
KPI charts for customer contracts
KPI charts
Working with KPI charts
Adding KPI chart groups
Adding contract KPI thresholds
Field descriptions
Contract KPI threshold fields
Bonus - malus
Bonus - malus calculations
Customer contracts
Contract lines for customer contracts
Proactive reporting of contractual work
Methods for travel terms
Service agreements
Service agreement categories
Service agreement services
Service catalog
Service components
Service level
Service locations
Service terms - general and specific
Service provider
Subcontractor lines on an order
Surcharges - general terms and labor hour terms
Time aware links
Threshold groups - material terms and subcontractor terms
Threshold groups - labor hour terms
Tradesperson categories
Field descriptions
Customer fields
General terms - fields
Maintenance plan viewer fields
Methods for travel terms - fields
Terms for labor hours - fields
Terms for materials - fields
Terms for subcontractors - fields
Terms for time - fields
Terms for travel - fields
Service agreement fields
Service level fields
Surcharge rates - fields