Service providers : Data setup : The Customers' world : Maintenance plan viewer : Exporting the planboard to PDF or spreadsheet
Exporting the planboard to PDF or spreadsheet
You can export the visible content of the current planboard to PDF or a spreadsheet.
Click the Screen capture of Export button button at the top of the planboard to start the export.
A drop-down menu includes the following options: Export to PDF or Export to spreadsheet.
Export to PDF
If you select this option, a dialog is displayed with the following settings:
Columns - select the fields you want to include as columns in the export. By default all fields are selected.
Title - You can freely add text here.
Schedule range- you can either:
export the Complete schedule,
export the Visible schedule,
specify Date range for the export, by choosing an start and end date.
Start date / End date - only visible if the date range is selected at Schedule range.
Rows - choose whether you want to export all rows or only the visible rows.
Pagination - the default export option is Multiple pages. If you select Single page, the maintenance plan is scaled to fit a single page.
Paper format - the supported formats are A3 and A4 (default).
Orientation - either select Portrait or Landscape (default).
General behavior of this feature:
Exports a graphic representation of the planboard to PDF: all visible content is included
Export to PDF includes a logo in the header (top left). Which logo is used, depends on the following logic:
If you (the logged-in user) are a Customer with a customer logo, your logo is displayed.
If this does not apply, then ->
The Logo for printing in the Themes TSI is displayed.
If this does not apply, then ->
The default Planon logo is used.
Export to spreadsheet
If you select this option, a dialog is displayed with the following settings:
Columns - select the fields you want to include as columns in the export. By default all fields are selected.
Schedule range - you can either:
export the Complete schedule,
export the Visible schedule,
specify Date range for the export, by choosing an start and end date.
Start date / End date - only visible if the date range is selected at Schedule range.
Rows - choose whether you want to export all rows or only the visible rows.
Format - you can select to export to CSV format (default) or to XLSX format.
Delimiter - option to either use a comma or a semicolon as delimiter for separating the data items. This option is only available if you select CSV format.
General behavior of this feature:
Exports a list of all activities (events) that are displayed on the planboard: all pages are included when exporting to spreadsheet, with a maximum of 250,000 activities. If this number is exceeded you will be notified.
For each event that is exported, the Start date-time, Order, Activated, Recurring and Overruled fields are also exported.