Service providers : Data setup : The Customers' world : Defining specific service terms : Labor hour settings for revenue calculations
Labor hour settings for revenue calculations
There are several settings available to round labor hours for the purpose of revenue calculation. These settings apply to labor hours of the types Work and Travel.
Once enabled, these settings only apply when revenues are generated for an associated order. The labor hour records themselves remain unchanged.
Basically, there are two methods to round labor hours on revenue calculation:
Time-based: rounds off time to a selected time unit. For example the nearest 10-minute time unit or the previous 5-minute time unit.
Duration-based: rounds off time to a multiple of the selected time unit, after totaling the minutes the tradesperson worked on an order on a single day.
Tariff thresholds
Apart from / in addition to either one of these rounding methods, you can choose to apply a tariff threshold to the tradesperson's labor hours. Typically, this is done if you want to allow for a slightly earlier start or later end of the working day without charging special tariffs to your customer.
1. Go to Service terms > General terms.
2. In the Labor hour based rounding field, select your preferred rounding method: None, Time-based or Duration-based.
3. If you select the Time-based method, select the preferred type of time-based rounding in the Time-based rounding field and the preferred time-unit in the Time unit for time-based rounding field.
4. If you select the Duration-based method, decide whether you want to apply this method to either work or travel, or both, in the respective fields: Duration-based rounding for work? and Duration-based rounding for travel?. Also, specify a rounding time unit for either of these choices.
See General terms - fields for more information on the various rounding method fields.
5. If you want to apply tariff thresholds to the start and end times of a tradesperson's labor hours, set the Apply threshold to start / end of [work time; travel time; waiting time]? fields to Yes as required and specify a time unit for the threshold in the Time unit for [start] [end] time threshold fields.
The rounding settings you make under the general terms apply to any labor hour terms or travel terms that are linked to an order's contract line when order revenues are generated.