About Surveys
Generic Survey topics
Surveys – Concepts
Standard asset
Multiple asset
Asset group
Asset classification
Alternative classification
Building element
Survey project
Survey project status
Survey status
Survey unit
Survey site
Working with Surveys
Adding a survey project
Linking properties to a survey project
Adding a survey to a survey project
Linking assets to survey for resurvey
Surveys – Field Descriptions
Survey unit fields
Survey fields
Condition Surveys
Condition Surveys – Concepts
Condition-based maintenance
Condition cluster
Cluster profile
Defects catalog
Defects list
Non-cyclic maintenance regime
Observed defect
Standard activity definition
Survey activity definition
Survey element
Working with Condition Surveys
Adding a survey unit to a survey
Adding a survey element to a survey unit
Adding observed defects to a survey element
Adding a survey activity definition to a survey element
Linking a survey activity definition to an observed defect
Applying a standard activity definition to a survey element
Adding expected costs
Processing survey data
Clearing generated survey data - Condition Surveys
Modifying existing survey data
Generating the survey system report
Condition Surveys – Field Descriptions
Observed defects fields
Survey activity definition fields
Expected costs fields
Assessment surveys
Assessment Surveys – Concepts
Aggregated score
Follow-up action
Follow-up action specifications
Observation score
Survey object
Working with Assessment Surveys
Adding a survey object to a survey
Adding an observation to a survey object
Adding an observation to the survey object based on a standard observation
Adding a follow-up action to an observation
Linking observations to a follow-up action
Configuring survey follow-up action specifications
Adding survey follow-up action specifications
Adding a survey observation score to an observation
Adding an aggregated score to a survey object
Processing survey data - Assessment surveys
Assessment Surveys – Field Descriptions
Observation fields
Follow-up action fields
Survey observation score fields
Aggregated score fields