Survey activity definition
A survey activity definition represents a non-cyclic maintenance activity that you can add during a condition survey. If surveyors observes a defect that requires additional or immediate attention, they can add a survey activity definition that includes detailed data on the condition of the surveyed asset or building element.
It is also possible to add survey activity definitions for a survey element that is linked to a so-called multiple asset. This type of asset is registered in Assets as one record, but consists of many identical items with multiple locations. Example: 25 identical pieces of office furniture located on different floors or even in different buildings. You can create one or more survey elements for a multiple asset. Similarly, you can also create one or more survey activity definitions for a multiple asset. Keep in mind though that the Quantity you enter on the Survey activity definition must match the Quantity that is registered on the linked Survey element. The system will warn you if there is a discrepancy, enabling you to align the values.
In Planon ProCenter , survey activity definitions are added in Condition Surveys > Observations. Survey activity definitions can only have one type of:
Maintenance regime: Non-cyclic
Scheduling method: Variable
Once orders are generated, the maintenance regime of a survey activity definition can no longer be modified.