Core TSIs : Surveys : Assessment surveys : Working with Assessment Surveys : Processing survey data - Assessment surveys
Processing survey data - Assessment surveys
A relevant survey project is available in the Surveys TSI. This survey project is linked to one or more properties.
The assessment surveys in the project are in the Ready for processing status.
The Is Assessment survey? field of the relevant assessment survey(s) is set to Yes.
Relevant survey objects are available in Surveys along with their observations, observation score, aggregated score and follow-up actions.
1. At Survey projects, select the relevant survey project.
2. On the action panel, click Process survey data.
The Process survey data dialog box appears.
3. Select one or more properties whose assessment survey data you want to process.
If the survey project contains condition surveys then the Condition data effective date and the Cluster profile fields are visible.
4. Click OK.
Once the Assessment surevy is processed, it will become 'read-only', and no addition or editing of data will be possible.
When the survey project is processed, the status of each survey in the project is set to Processed. The observations, scoring, follow-up actions and follow-up action specifications that are related to the survey objects are processed into the Assessments and observations TSI:
The survey is processed into an Assessment result.
Survey observations are processed into an Observation including the Scoring, Follow-up actions and Specifications - survey follow-up action.
Survey object Aggregated score is processed into an aggregated score of the property / space / asset.
When an existing observation that has already ended in Planon ProCenter is surveyed again, the survey data related to that observation, as well as any new scoring or follow-up actions, will be skipped or not processed.
It is not possible to clear processed survey data from an Assessment survey.