Core TSIs : Surveys : Assessment surveys : Working with Assessment Surveys : Adding a survey observation score to an observation
Adding a survey observation score to an observation
There are 3 types of observation scores that can be added to an observation:
Survey scores - basic
Survey scores - matrix
Survey scores - technical condition
The type of scoring can be configured per topic. For example:
Security topic might use matrix scoring
Performance / Energy topics might use basic scoring
Maintenance topic might use technical condition scoring.
The procedure to add a survey observation score to an observation is as follows:
1. Go to Details > Survey observation scores.
2. On the action panel, click Add Survey scores - basic or Add Survey scores - technical condition or Add Survey scores - matrix.
3. On the data panel, complete the relevant fields. For a description of these fields, see Survey observation score fields.
4. Click Save.
The survey observation score is now added to the observation.