Survey observation score fields
Enter a code for the observation score.
Date-time of score
Select a date and time from the date-time picker.
Survey observation
This field displays the survey observation you navigated from. If relevant, you can select another survey observation.
Standard observation
If the observation is created using standard observation, this field will be filled in automatically.
Topic level
Select a topic level from the dialog box available in this field.
Select a topic from the dialog box available in this field.
Topic score type
Displays the topic scoring method:
Basic scoring
Matrix scoring
Technical condition scoring
Manually enter the score for the survey observation in this field.
Technical Scoring
Extent is the proportion in which an observed issue is present in relation to the total surveyed construction or an installation. Select the relevant extent for the observation, from the dialog box available in this field. The values for extent range from 1 to 5:
1 - 1%
2 - 2% to 9%
3 - 10% to 29%
4 - 30% to 69%
5 - 70% to 100%
This field is aligned with the Extent percentage field on the Topic score, which means that if you fill in a value in this field, it is also filled on the topic score, and vice versa.
An indicator which marks the phase in which the observed issue occurs. Select the relevant intensity for the observation, from the dialog box available in this field. The values for intensity range from 1 to 3:
1 - First stage
2 - Advanced stage
3 - End stage
The influence that an observed issue has on the operability of a construction or an installation. Select the relevant severity for the observation, from the dialog box available in this field. The values for severity range from 1 to 3:
1 - Minor
2 - Serious
3 - Critical
Extent percentage
Manually enter the extent percentage for the survey observation in this field.
Matrix Scoring
Topic likelihood
Select the topic likelihood from the dialog box available in this field.
Topic severity
Select the topic severity from the dialog box available in this field.