Core TSIs : Surveys : Condition Surveys : Working with Condition Surveys : Linking a survey activity definition to an observed defect
Linking a survey activity definition to an observed defect
You can link a survey activity definition to an observed defect.
In Planon ProCenter, linking a survey activity definition to an observed defect means that after the survey activity has been completed, the linked observed defect is rectified and closed. In this procedure it is assumed that the observed defect is already added and available to be linked to the survey activity definition.
1. Go to Observations > Survey activity definitions.
2. Select an existing survey activity definition from the list or add a new survey activity definition.
3. On the action panel, click on Defects to be solved.
4. Select an observed defect from the list.
This defect will be addressed and closed when a survey activity is conducted. Repeat this step to link additional observed defects to the survey activity definition.
5. Click OK.
To learn more about survey activity definitions, see Survey activity definitions in Planned Maintenance.