Core TSIs : Surveys : Condition Surveys : Working with Condition Surveys : Clearing generated survey data - Condition Surveys
Clearing generated survey data - Condition Surveys
You can clear generated survey data in order to amend survey data. Subsequently, you can regenerate the data by clicking Process survey data on the action panel.
A relevant survey project is available in Condition Surveys > Survey projects, (see Adding a survey project).
This survey project is linked to one or more properties.
The surveys in the project must be in the Processed status.
The Clear generated survey data action must be added to the Condition Surveys layout.
1. Go to Survey projects.
2. Select a survey project from the list.
3. On the action panel, click Clear generated survey data.
4. In the dialog box, select a property whose generated survey data you want to clear.
5. Click OK, the generated survey data is purged for all the surveys of the selected property.
The status of the survey(s) is changed to Ready for tuning. You can now change the survey data and you can subsequently regenerate the survey data.
If survey data is used in maintenance plan, its generated survey data can only be cleared by deleting links to the plan. In addition, maintenance activity definitions using this data must also be deleted.