Core TSIs : Surveys : Condition Surveys : Working with Condition Surveys : Generating the survey system report
Generating the survey system report
1. In the Surveys TSI, go to Survey.
2. Select the survey you want to include in your report. You can select only one survey for this report.
screen capture displaying Surveys TSI with highlighted report optionscreen capture displaying Surveys TSI with highlighted report option
3. On the action panel, click Report.
The Reporting window opens.
screen capture displaying Reporting pop-up with highlighted System reports actions
4. Click the System reports tab.
5. Edit the report settings, if required.
screen capture displaying Report settings - survey condition pop-up along with Edit report settings
Condition overview: Select Yes, to display the compact list view of survey element conditions sorted by the classification.
Observation: Select Yes, to display the overview of surveyed survey elements and observed defects with an image accompanying the survey element.
Inventory taking: Select Yes, to display the overview of all surveyed survey elements with the observed defects when applicable.
6. Click OK.
7. Select relevant output options. You can Preview & print or Save as your report.