Survey unit fields
Enter a code for the survey unit.
Enter a description for the survey unit.
Select the survey to which the survey unit belongs.
Displays the property to which the survey unit belongs.
Survey result
This field displays the survey result that the surveyor can select from a user-defined picklist on the Mobile Condition Assessor (MCA) app.
This field displays the image of the Survey unit that the surveyor can view / add using the Mobile Condition Assessor (MCA) app.
The Survey result and Image fields store information in Planon ProCenter that was added by the surveyor via the MCA app.
Survey site
Select the survey site to which the survey unit belongs. Authorized users can also add new survey sites via this dialog box, which can subsequently be linked to the survey unit.
Enter the quantity that relates to the unit entered in the Unit field.
Unit of measurement
Select a relevant unit of measurement that applies to the survey unit. Example: if the survey unit relates to surfaces, square feet or square meters.
Select the floor on which the survey unit is located.
Select the space in which the survey unit is located. The corresponding floor is automatically entered in the Floor field.