About System Settings
Alerts settings
Approved messages
Adding approved messages
Authorization settings
Broadcast messages
Configuring broadcast messages
CAD Integrator threshold values
Configuring calendars
Configuring the calendar structure
Specifying special dates
Specifying deviating hours per weekday
Specifying deviating hours per date
Data cleaner
Email settings
External data storage
Configuring your external data storage
Using S3 buckets
File locations
Configuring the file server
File upload settings
Allow user-defined path
Planon managed
Using Planon managed settings
Specifying secure file locations
Path to secure documents
Specifying file locations on a web server (via WebDAV protocol)
Selecting a (WebDAV) file
Maintaining WebDAV folders directly from the browser
Examples of file locations accessed via WebDAV
General settings
Time zones for Planon ProCenter database
Time zones supported in Planon
Hit count data
Viewing hit count data
Viewing Self-Service hit count data
Creating a notification/alarm
Improved Features
Activating an improved feature
Activated improved features
Pending improved features
Platform settings
Property sets
Adding a property set
Adding a new property set in the Planon Cloud
Performance Monitoring
Making performance monitoring settings
What is being logged?
Viewing performance monitoring data
Encode Planon data in HTML mail merge
Scheduled tasks
Scheduled tasks
Task user extensions
Security - Password settings
Password strength settings
Password that never expires
Forgotten password settings
Customizing the Forgotten password email
Setting an alarm for password expiry
Security - Access to Planon features via encrypted keys
Customizing a Planon theme
Selecting a themes logo
Web application
WebDAV Settings
System settings - Field Descriptions
Authorization settings fields
Bundle fields
Bundle version fields
Data storage location fields
File location fields
General settings fields
Hit count data fields
Hit count data year fields
Outgoing email - fields
Password settings fields
Performance monitoring fields
Scheduled task fields
Task user extension fields
Web application fields