Application management : Configuration : System Settings : Security - Password settings : Customizing the Forgotten password email
Customizing the Forgotten password email
It is possible to use a customized email template for the forgotten password functionality, instead of sending the default email. This custom template can be uploaded per language in the System Settings > Security TSI.
If you have activated the Forgotten password functionality, users who indicate they have forgotten their password upon logging in, will by default receive a system email. This default email is a very basic message that includes instructions and a token to reset your password.
However, it is possible to send a more 'tailor-made' email message. You can do this by uploading customized HTML or HTM template(s) as secure document(s). You can even include image references in your custom template. Note that any referred image files should be present in the WebDAV location for images. Check if all vital information is included in your template.
Make sure the HTML / HTM template contains the reset token tag and (optional) instructions on how to use it, otherwise users will not be able to reset their password!
Reset token: <PasswordToken>
1) Copy the 'Reset token' from this email
2) Paste the token in the 'Token from email' field
3) Enter your new password
4) Retype your new password
5) Click 'Reset password'
The following merge codes can be used in the email template:
|| Field || Merge code ||
| Account.Description | Description |
| Account.Accountname | AccountName |
| n/a | ResetToken |
Within the template, each merge code, for example the merge code for the reset token, must be contained within <>. Merge codes are not case sensitive. If no custom email template is configured, the default system email will be sent to the user.
After drawing up your template and placing it on the server used for secure documents, follow these steps:
1. Go to the System Settings > Security TSI.
2. Check if the field Forgotten password functionality is set to either User name and email address or User name only.
3. In the Forgotten password template fields, upload the HTML or HTM document you want to use as email template, per language.
You can upload different documents for each language. The maximum file size set for secure documents should not be exceeded.
4. Click Save.
When users request to reset their password upon logging in, the selected custom template(s) will be applied.