Scheduled tasks
The following scheduled tasks are available in Planon ProCenter :
Scheduled tasks that are specific to the Planon Mobile Field Services (PMFS) app, are described in the PMFS configuration documentation.
Scheduled task
Used in
Triggers Action tasks
Alerts and Notifications
Triggers Alarm tasks
Alerts and Notifications
Currently, this scheduled task cannot be run as it belongs to an unreleased solution. In future, this task will check if any active PPM profiles exists that must be run for the Objective-based maintenance solution.
PPM in Objective-based maintenance
Summarizes measurement point readings.
Please be advised that we recommend using an action definition instead of this scheduled task because you cannot schedule the starting hour of the scheduled task, which is quite essential. See Starting summarization (Agile Workplace management).
Agile Workplace Management (AWM)
Cleans up background actions.
In general, data is deleted when in status Completed or CompletedWithErrors and SysChangeDateTime is older than 7 days.
For PMFS and AppSuite, data is deleted only when in status Completed and SysChangeDateTime is older than 7 days.
Planon application PMFS / AppSuite
Cleans simple event log and linked event log entries.
Data is deleted when SysInsertDateTime is older than 7 days. Data is deleted in chunks of 100 records.
Orphan child records and all orphan records in PLN_EVENTLOG_BUSINESSOBECT are deleted in chunks of 10.000.
This task runs for 20 minutes and then stops. If necessary, you can run it multiple times (by adjusting the schedule) to get rid of a bulk of old records.
Planon application
Triggers synchronizing Connect for Outlook (Exchange) appointments
Triggers cleaning Connect for Outlook synchronization logs
Deletes records older than 1 year from Enterprise Talk export BO list table.
Planon application
Currently, this scheduled task cannot be run as it belongs to an unreleased solution. In future, the task will trigger the batch generation of new planned activities for the Objective-based maintenance solution.
Objective-based maintenance
System tasks for cleaning up data related to inbound & outbound messages.
Deletes processed message older as than 1 day.
Processed means messages with the status:
BOInboundRawMessage: Transformed
if there are Inbound raw messages with status Failed or Queued with the same message ID, they are skipped from deletion.
BOInboundMessage: Processed
•    If a business event references an inbound message, it is skipped from deletion.
•    If an Inbound message is Failed (so not processed), the 'related' Raw inbound message (that was transformed) will also not be deleted.
BOOutboundRawMessage: Sent
BOOutboundMessage: Transformed
If there are outbound raw messages with status Failed or Queued with the same message ID, they are skipped from deletion.
In addition, this task also deletes Failed messages for these business objects that are older than the Data cleaner setting (default: 91 days).
Event Connector
Detects if a background action is stuck in a queue or is no longer running. Subsequently, the action will be set to the status "Completed with error".
When starting this task, a warning message appears, see: Multi-gear.
Planon application
Triggers Notification tasks
Alerts and Notifications
Triggers Event based notification definitions
Alerts and Notifications
Triggers Notify once notification definitions
Alerts and Notifications
Triggers the automatically retry of a failed background action for PMFS AppSuite.
PMFS AppSuite
Triggers the generation of PPM orders
Renews a Marketplace access key expiring in less than 30 days.
Moves secure docs to a designated folder on disk.
For more information, see Path to secure documents.
Planon application
Deletes old session data (older than 7 days).
Planon application
Subscription checker Connect for Outlook
Triggers the scheduling of task user extensions.
Connect for Building Advisor, Connect for Calendars
Triggers cleaning tasks.
Data is deleted when in status Notified, Executed and LastStateChangedDateTime is older than 7 days.
The task will run using an SQL statement for better performance.
Alerts and Notifications
Triggers a daily update of the Mongo DB. Should only be enabled when a successful initial export of the Mongo DB has been done (using Connect for Analytics).
This task only updates life cycle BOs that have had life cycle changes since the last successful run.
Connect for Analytics
Triggers Archive tasks
Connect for Calendars
Triggers cleaning the mail reports
Connect for Calendars
Triggers removing the outdated tasks
Connect for Calendars
Checks for app updates in the Planon Marketplace. The task runs every 6 hours (minimum); this is configurable.
Upgrades all Platform apps during a Planon upgrade.
Do not deactivate this task!
The improved feature Discontinue 'Order documents' and the scheduled task SYS_MIGRATE_DOC_TO_COM_LOG have been deactivated in releases L101 - L104, to ensure that order documents and all related tailor-made software can continue to be used for the foreseeable future. While both the scheduled task and the improved feature Discontinue 'Order documents' will remain visible, they will no longer be functional. As of release L105, both the scheduled task and the improved feature are no longer visible.
If authorized, and except for system clean-up tasks, users can change the status of system tasks to Inactive. They can also change the schedule as is needed.
For notifications, an email is sent to each user to be informed. The email content is based on the mail merge template selected. The email’s subject description is taken from the template or, if not defined, is the name or code of the item in Planon ProCenter .
Handling of tasks
For notifications, an email is sent to each user. The email content is based on the mail merge template selected. The email’s subject description is taken from the template or, if not defined, is the name or code of the item in Planon ProCenter .
For alarms, when the task returns an active alarm (ringing), an alarm status is created for each user linked to the alarm definition. When an alarm is no longer ringing, forwarded, or snoozed, it will be removed from the My alarms step (Alerts > My alarms).
For more information on alarms, notifications and actions, see Alerts.
For actions, a task is performed according to a scheduled interval. A task could be anything, for example the execution of CAD Import or the renewal of Contracts. These actions are automatically performed by the system at the specified time.
For subscriptions, the system task checks whether there are lost mailbox subscriptions. If so, the system task will (optionally - depending on a setting on the mailbox) attempt to subscribe the mailbox and will synchronize Planon ProCenter and Exchange upon establishing a subscription.
For cleaning Connect for Outlook synchronization logs, the task will remove all synchronization logs older than 6 months.
For synchronizing Exchange appointments, the task will attempt to synchronize all future Exchange appointments that are out of sync.
When using Connect for Outlook , we recommend to activate all three tasks: •    SYSSUBSCRIPTIONCHECKER
Scheduled task and the BO status
If a business object, required by a system task, is put Under construction in Field definer , the scheduled task will be Inactive when the task is run next.
To prevent this, put the system task to inactive manually before configuring the business object in Field definer .
If a scheduled task is Active, and if the database is disconnected, the tasks will start automatically again when the database re-starts.
However, if the scheduled task is In progress, and the database is disconnected, you will still see the system tasks in In progress only.
In order to make it work again, you must first click Inactive on the action panel and then click Active again. This will restore the functioning of the system tasks.
For a description of the fields available at the Scheduled tasks step, refer to Scheduled task fields.
DTAP support
In a DTAP cycle, when you move your environment from Production to Development/Test/Acceptance, scheduled tasks can automatically be disabled when starting up the application server (switching off emailing notifications, and so on) as this could provide incorrect information.
To change the DTAP label from Production to Test, you must add the following parameters to the Tanuki service of the application server:"Test Environment"
When starting the application server, the mode is detected and the scheduled tasks are disabled. You can, of course, still manually start these tasks in order to test notifications. This will only happen on the first startup in another mode (D, T or A).
Multi-gear is a technical name for a situation where a customer has chosen to use multiple application servers for load balancing.
When starting the SYSMOVE_STUCK_BA_TO_ERROR task, a warning is displayed: 'This scheduled task ... cannot be used in a multi-gear environment'.
Currently, the Planon application cannot determine whether multiple application servers are being used. Hence, this message is always displayed.
If you proceed, and you:
do not have multiple application servers: your task will be executed.
have multiple application servers: your task will cause background actions in progress and triggered by other scheduled tasks or other actions to fail. Please verify whether you have a setup using multiple application servers.
If you are not sure whether your environment has a setup using multiple application servers, please check with your system administrator.