General settings fields
Extension for copy
Specify which default extension should be added to the name of a copied business object. In a standard Planon ProCenter installation, the default extension is (2). You can change this to any other type of extension, for example COPY. You can also leave the extension field empty. However, for unique fields, this will result in an error. You can only save the copy after entering a unique value.
In case of the Deep copy functionality – that is copying business objects together with their underlying structures – copy extensions will only be added to the copied underlying business objects if Planon detects that their values are otherwise not unique.
Costs excl. tax/VAT
Select the default setting for calculating costs. Click Yes if you want to register the costs excluding tax/VAT or No if you want to register costs including tax/VAT. If required, you can overrule this for a financial year in Supporting data or for capital projects in Projects . The setting can only be set for the main capital project; the subprojects inherit the same setting. You can only change this setting before using the project.
Help URL
The default Planon Webhelp URL is:
If you want to specify a different URL, please use the following URL format:
http://<server name>:<port>/PlanonHelp
Ask your Planon administrator which server name and port you should use. It should be the same server and port on which the Web server is running.
Example of what the URL may look like:
Number of cached system codes
Specify the quantity of system codes that will be cached for creating new business objects. Caching is used to speed up adding a business object. The maximum value is 100.
Memory usage protection
By setting this field to Yes, the application server will be protected from running out of memory on querying large amounts of records.
When set to Yes the application will assess whether enough memory is available to perform the next request. If this is not the case, the user will receive a warning and the request is aborted.
Issues that contribute to running out of memory are multitude. This setting cannot guarantee that running out of memory no longer occurs.
Yes is the preferred setting for this field. If switched to No, a warning message will be shown to remind the user of the implication.
Always use pop-up layout for info pop-ups
Click Yes if you want to enforce for pop-ups that the designated layout is used, as specified in Layouts > For use in pop-up.
If you select No, the application will fall back to using the layout that is defined on the TSI step, but only if the field that is being filled belongs to the same business object type.
If you populate a Person field on the Persons step in Personnel . In other TSIs, such as Orders, there is no layout of the same BO type linked to the step, so it will use the pop-up layout as defined there.
Privacy statement
Privacy statement
URL field that can be used to point to the location of your company's privacy statement satisfying GDPR compliance. When this field contains a valid URL, the Privacy statement link is available in the About screen.
Display format
Specify the standard currency you want to use in Planon ProCenter . This currency is then used in all money fields.
Currency symbol
Enter a relevant currency symbol to be used in the Currency field across Planon ProCenter .
If you deal with multiple currencies, it is possible to leave the currency symbol field blank by pressing Alt + 255 on your keyboard.
Storage of free fields
Date format
Specify the required date notation. This setting determines how the value of a free (string) field of the type ‘date’ is stored in the database.
For example, if you specify the following date format: yyyydm the date is displayed as follows for users using the Dutch Regional settings: 18-1-2007 (d-m-yyyy). For users using the English Regional settings, the date is displayed as follows: 1/18/2007 (m/d/yyyy). However, the date is stored in the database as 2007-18-1 (yyyy‑d‑m).
Decimal symbol
Specify the required symbol for decimals. This setting determines how the value of a free (string) field of the type ‘Money’ or ‘Big decimal’ is stored in the database.
Digit grouping symbol
Specify the required digit grouping symbol. This setting determines how the value of a free (string) field of the type ‘Money’ or ‘Big decimal’ is stored in the database.
Time zones
Time zones enabled
Specify if you want to use Multiple Time Zones.
Database time zone
Specify the time zone in which the data in the database must be stored. For more information, refer to Choosing a time zone for the Planon ProCenter database.
Default calendar
Select a default calendar that shall apply in Planon ProCenter .
Units of measurement used in database
Database unit of length
This field displays the unit of length (Meters or Feet) used to store dimensions in the database. The values entered in dimension fields are then saved in the selected unit. The only available units are Meters or Feet. Select the unit of length in which dimensions are currently stored in the database as these values are not recalculated if you select another unit.
You can also change the Database unit of length after the upgrade, but again, existing values are not recalculated in terms of the new unit.
Unit selected during upgrade: Meters; Value in database = 10 (10 meters); Unit changed to: Feet
Value in database = 10 (10 feet)
In addition to this system setting, a user-specific setting (Displayed unit of length) allows individual users to choose the unit in which they want dimensions to be displayed. This setting is found in Authorization > > User groups or in General > User settings. For details, see Authorization. By default, the Displayed unit of length inherits the same unit as that specified for the Database unit of length.
Administrator group and end user access
Configuration mode
Allows you to lock/unlock the cache.
Set the mode to Yes to lock the cache.
If you set it to No, the cache is refreshed and is never locked.
This functionality is supported in Field definer , TSIs and Layouts .
When the cache is locked, it is not refreshed due to any action that may need a cache refresh, for example, setting a business object under construction in Field definer .
Locking the cache allows multiple users to configure Planon ProCenter simultaneously without being prompted to refresh the cache. To see your or other user’s changes, a Server cache refresh is necessary.
After the configuration is completed, the mode must be set to No. When it is set to Yes, you can still enter data into Planon, but the data integrity cannot be guaranteed. Consequently, Planon recommends not to enter data when this mode is active.
Configuration labels
Set this field to Yes if you want to enable Configuration labels. When this field is enabled, you can create a configuration label and all subsequent configuration is tracked.
When you set the field to No to disable Configuration labels, a warning message will be displayed informing you that all active labels will be removed. However, the configuration elements will remain so that work can be continued later.
•    You can only enable this field in Development, Testing or Acceptance mode.
•    Disabling of Configuration labels has no dependency on a user's license.
For more information, see Configuration labels.
Should 'Users' (system name: 'Accounts') be labeled?
Set this field to Yes if you want to include Accounts when using labeling. Setting this field to No enables you to exclude accounts from being labeled by Configuration labeling.
Planon administrator group
Click the pick list button in this field to define which existing user group is to become that of Planon administrators. Users belonging to this supervisory user group are typically those who configure Planon ProCenter and they are able to continue using the application whenever the Stop end user access field is set to Yes.
Note that there is a number of special accounts that can access the system even if they do not belong to the Planon administrator group:
Connect for Analytics account (SYSDATALAKE)
Planon Cloud administrator account (CLOUDADMIN)
Stop end user access
Set this field to Yes to temporarily make Planon ProCenter unavailable to end users. Planon administrators (i.e. those belonging to the Planon administrator user group) are able to continue using the application when this field is set to Yes. This feature is typically used to block end user access when configuring or maintaining the application. Once work on the application is complete, end users must be informed.
User extensions enabled
This field allows you to activate/deactivate the user extensions defined by the customer (in Business processes > SX Configuration).
The default value is
Yes and all the registered user extensions are enabled.
If you select No, all user extensions are disabled regardless of the activate/deactivate indications of individually loaded user extensions as defined by the customer in SX Configuration.
In a DTAP cycle, when moving your environment from Production to Development/Test/Acceptance or when starting the environment the first time, user extensions are automatically disabled. This is to prevent actions on linked systems, such as sending emails et cetera.
CAD Workbench
Server location for CAD Workbench
It is mandatory to specify the path of the server on which the planoncadworkbench.ear is located.
If this path is not specified, you will get an error message when trying to save a CAD drawing definition or to execute a CAD Import.
The path supports the HTTP protocol format. To connect the Planon ProCenter server using the HTTP protocols, the path should be specified as:
http(s)://<Server name>:<Port>/cadworkbench-remoting
If your CAD workbench is running on the same WildFly server as your Planon installation, you must leave this field empty.
By doing so, the response time will be improved because the connection will remain on local host and will not go via the HTTP(s) link.
The planoncadworkbench.ear works only in the Windows operating system.
•    For more information on CAD Import, see CAD Import.
•    For more information about the installation of CAD Import and Planon Connect for AutoCAD, see CAD Workbench.
Address formatting
Address formatting
This field allows you to apply a specific address format, which will be applicable to fields across all business objects. The selected format will be applied to address lines such as, Country, City, Municipality and Postal address.
Click the pick list button in this field to select the address format you want to enable.
C, Start with capitals capitalizes all the first letters in the address line after the user completes entering the data and moves away from the address field.
N, Do not change anything leaves the data as entered by the user.
U, Convert to uppercase converts all the letters in the address line to uppercase after the user completes entering the data and moves away from the address field.
Solution mode
Solution mode
Indicate which licensed solution mode you want to use. Planon offers two modes:
This is the default Planon solution for workplace management.
Service providers
This is a solution mode that is especially designed for companies that provide full or partial business process outsourcing. Typically, this outsourcing includes non-core services off-site, such as administrative tasks, customer services, IT services and technical maintenance support.
This setting is irreversible.
SNS configuration
SNS configuration is a feature that enables some of the Planon mobile apps to receive push notifications coming from Planon. To set this up, the AWS SNS needs to be configured.
For Cloud instances, the required credentials are automatically generated and the required fields are correctly populated to make push notifications work out of the box. For on-premise customers, these credentials need to be created by Planon. Please contact Planon support to get these credentials created for your system.
SNS credentials key
Holds the key used for establishing the connection with AWS SNS.
SNS credentials - secret
Holds the secret of the key/secret pair used for the AWS SNS connection.
SNS topic
Holds the topic used in AWS SNS configuration to make sure that every customer can only send/receive push notifications to their own environment and users.
Each environment can only send notifications to their own topic. If this field is changed, the functionality will stop working.
Externally accessible URL
Externally accessible URL
Specify the URL that serves as en entry point for your Planon environment. Third-party systems can use this URL to access your Planon environment (for example via specially created deep links that can be used in messages).
The URL should be the base or root URL, without a path.
•    In Cloud mode, this field is managed by Planon. On-premise customers can manually set it.
•    The field will be excluded from Configuration Transfer
•    The field will not be affected by Configuration labeling.
Event connector timeouts
Inbound timeout
Inbound raw timeout
Outbound timeout
Outbound raw timeout
In these fields you can set the timeout (in minutes) for Event Connector queues.
If a Processor, Transformer, or Transmitter requires more time than the set timeout, the action is aborted, and the message status is set to Failed.