Outgoing email - fields
Here, you can specify the email settings that are required for sending emails (Alerts & Notifications or other email functionality in the Planon application.
By default, the SMTP is available, but you can also configure the OAuth protocol.
Reply email address
Here, you can specify one or multiple email addresses that the addressee can use to receive a reply.
If you do not enter an email address here, the email address of the Sender's email address field will be used.
Sender's email address
Here, you can specify the email address of the person sending the emails.
Bcc email address
If required, enter one or more blind carbon copy (Bcc) email addresses in this field. If several email addresses are entered, ensure they are separated by a comma.
Although emails are sent to email addresses specified in this field, these email addresses are hidden from other recipients.
Name of sender
Here, you can enter the name of the person sending the email.
Email catcher on?
When set to Yes this field ensures that emails are sent to Log viewer. If set to No, emails will be sent to the intended recipients.
Used, for example, when moving an environment from Production to another environment in a DTAP street.
For more information, see Routing mails to Log viewer.
Mail retry count*
Specify the number of mail retry counts. If sending an email fails. This is the number of times the system will attempt to send the email again.
The maximum value is 5.
Mail retry interval*
The time between a mail retry in millisecond.
Default: 0
Min value: 0
Max value: 1000 ms
* When setting the Mail retry count and Mail retry interval, typically mailing can take longer. This will then also affect mailing performed as a result of a scheduled task.
Log successful email
If you do not want to log every email message that is sent successfully in Log viewer, select No. The field is set to Yes by default.
In a DTAP environment, if both the Email catcher and the Log successful email fields are set to Yes, there will be two log entries in Log viewer.
If only the Email catcher field is set to Yes, there will be only one log entry in the Log Viewer.
Email method
Choose which mail service is to be used. Currently, this is either SMTP or the OAuth service.
SMTP Settings
In this mandatory field you specify whether the server requires authentication.
Some servers require users to identify themselves first. The server uses this identification to determine whether the email can be sent.
Identification takes place by using a user ID and an associated password where required.
ID user
The user ID that has to be used if authentication is required.
The password that has to be used if authentication is required. The maximum password length is 50 characters.
Port number
The port number that is configured for SMTP traffic on the server. Communication will be set up using this port number.
The default value is 25 by default, since this will typically be the SMTP port number.
SMTP Server address
Use this field to enter the address or name of the server to which Planon ProCenter . must connect.
Click Yes, if you want Planon to use ESMTP with TLS as a protocol for sending emails.
Click Yes, if you want Planon to use SMTP with SSL as a protocol for sending emails.
SMTP connection timeout
Specifies the socket connection timeout value in milliseconds. The server closes the current connection request after the specified time when no response is received from the socket on the SMTP server.
Default: 10000 ms
Min value: 10000 ms
Max value: 15000 ms
SMTP read timeout
Specifies the socket I/O timeout value in milliseconds. The server closes the current read request after the specified time when no data is received from socket on the SMTP server.
Default: 5000 ms
Min value: 1000 ms
Max value: 15000 ms
OAUTH Settings
OAuth client ID
The ID of the app being registered with the Authentication server.
The Office365 OAuth Mailer is a system mailer that replaces the Exchange OAuth mailer app.
OAuth client secret
A ‘secret’ generated specifically by the Authentication server.
OAuth tenant ID
The directory tenant whom you want to request permission from. This can be in GUID or friendly name format.
App Settings
Partner identifier
The name of the partner who created the app.
In case of Microsoft OAuth mailer, this is planonsoftware.dev.
App name
Name of the app.
In case of Microsoft OAuth mailer, this is: exchangeoauthmailer.
App module name
Name of the app module:
In case of Microsoft OAuth mailer, this is: mailer
Connection settings and credentials for the Microsoft OAuth mailer, generated by Azure active directory when registering the App.