Application management : Configuration : System Settings : Themes : Customizing a Planon theme
Customizing a Planon theme
You can customize the Planon Light and Dark themes by changing the primary and secondary colors. You can also change the custom logo if you wish to.
1. Go to System settings TSI > Themes.
2. In the Theme settings step, set the Custom theme activated? field to Yes.
3. In the Primary color of custom theme field, choose a primary color for the theme using the color picker.
You can either move the cursor in the color picker, fill in the RGB values, or fill out the Hex value.
4. In the Secondary color of custom theme field, choose a secondary color for the theme using the color picker.
You can either move the cursor in the color picker, fill in the RGB values, or fill out the Hex value.
5. Click Save
You have now customized the theme.
6. To apply the customized theme for you as logged-in user, go to My account.
7. Click Edit.
8. Select any of the available themes.
9. Click Save and log off.
The Planon Universe log-in screen is displayed. Your choice is activated after logging in again.
Alternatively, as administrator, you can also change a user's theme in the Accounts > User groups TSI.