Authorization settings fields
Split role and data
In this field you can determine whether to combine data and functional access, or to separate data and functional access.
Click No to combine data and functional access; click Yes to separate data and functional access. By clicking No, it is no longer mandatory in Authorization (Accelerator: Accounts) to link a function profile to a user group.
For more information about this feature, see Authorization.
Default user password
The default password that is used when creating a new user.
The system administrator can set a new Default user password without the need for the old password (when forgotten).
Give warning when saving a BO that is transferred outside a user's authority range
This setting determines whether users will be informed with a warning message when they perform an action that results in moving the record outside their range of authority.
For example, users may enter a value in a certain field on an order, after which they are no longer allowed to see the record.