About Stock
Stock - Concepts
Distribution point
Stock item
Storage type
Storage location
Stock request
Replenishment window
Stock transfer
Stock position
Stock modification
Stock adjustment
Stock valuation
Stock item batch
Initial valuation batch
Stock item batch modifications
Stock valuation methods
Last-in First-out (LIFO)
Average price
Moving average costs
Working with Stock
Linking properties to a distribution point
Linking products to a distribution point
Stock items
Searching by stock item code
Linking storage locations to stock items
Stock movements
Stock request statuses
Reserving a stock request
Replenishing stock from a vendor
Replenish stock from a distribution point
Receiving stock items
Issuing stock items
Direct issuing of products
Confirming the issuing of stock items
Registering issue reversal
Returning a stock item to the supplier / vendor
Stock modifications
Stock adjustments
Transferring stock items
Statuses in stock transfers
Stock – Field Descriptions
Stock items - management related fields
Automatic replenishment fields
Issue returns – Stock return dialog fields
Issue returns - fields
Issue return lines - fields
Stock item return fields
Stocktaking - stock modification fields
Stock adjustment fields - stock modifications
Stock transfer fields