Stock adjustments
Stock adjustments are performed when adding stock as an initial record or when adjusting your stock.
In Field definer , Planon application managers can add user-defined types for stock adjustments, as required.
1. Go to Stock movements > Stock modifications.
2. Click Add Stock adjustment on the action panel.
3. On the data panel, fill in the relevant fields.
4. For a description of these fields, refer to Stock adjustment fields - stock modifications.
5. Click Save.
A stock adjustment is created.
6. On the action panel, click Confirmed. The stock quantities are re-calculated and updated based on the Mutation quantity.
The Quantity in stock field of the selected stock item is updated.
Once the stock adjustment is confirmed, the Mutation quantity can no longer be modified, nor can you delete a stock modification (stock adjustment) once it is confirmed.
If a stock valuation method is defined for the product of the stock item, the stock valuation related fields on the stock item are updated upon confirming a stock modification (adjustment).