Core TSIs : Stock : Working with Stock : Transferring stock items : Statuses in stock transfers
Statuses in stock transfers
After creating a stock transfer, to move stock items from one distribution point to another, you can assign the following statuses:
Reported - The stock transfer's status when it is created.
Reserved - Makes the stock items unavailable for other incoming requisitions. You can also move the stock transfer directly from Reported to Shipped.
Shipped - Click Shipped when the stock transfer is actually shipped. The stock quantity at the distribution point is reduced with the quantity that is transferred.
If you change the status of the stock transfer to Shipped, the stock valuation related fields on the stock item are updated.
Received - Click Received when the stock quantity arrives at the destination distribution point. The stock quantity in the recipient distribution point is increased with the transferred quantity.
If you change the status of the stock transfer to Received, the stock valuation related fields on the stock item are updated.
For more information, refer to Stock item batch.