Core TSIs : Stock : Stock – Field Descriptions : Issue returns – Stock return dialog fields
Issue returns – Stock return dialog fields
Enter a code for the stock return.
Enter a name for the stock return.
Return date
Select a date for the return. The current date is displayed by default.
Displays the order on which the return is made.
Enter a comment describing the issue return or any other related information.
Issue line
Displays the Code, Name, Distribution point of the issuing lines and the unit of measurement of the product to be returned.
It also displays the number of items ordered, number of items issued and also number of items returned, if any, so far.
In the Returning column, specify the number of items to be returned.
If one of the products is not to be returned, you can remove it from the return by making the quantity zero.
Reset button
Resets the quantity to return to zero for all lines.