About the Planon AppSuite app for Field Services
Installing the Planon AppSuite app
Logging in
Logging off
Updating the application
Activating and viewing logging data on your mobile device
Switching sites
Retrieving the Privacy statement
Field Services - My jobs
My jobs
My jobs information blocks
Job list
Job icons
Health and safety information at a job
Synchronizing data
What if synchronization fails?
What is synchronized when?
Which back-office record updates which record on the app?
Action buttons
Working with the My jobs module
Filtering the job list
Accepting a job
Rejecting a job
Traveling to a job
Starting a job
Health and safety wizard
Doing a last minute risk assessment (LMRA)
Pausing a job
Waiting for the customer
Discontinuing a job
Reassigning a job
Asset information, meter readings and code scanning
Working with PPM orders and maintenance activities
Using materials on the job
Planned materials
Unplanned materials
Requesting materials
Required materials - status icons
Adding photos
Manually adding labor hours
Adding a sub to a job in progress
Adding a new activity during work
Adding a new hazard during work
Defining teams
Ending a job and signing off
Inbound materials
Confirming the receipt of materials
Outbound materials
My mobile store
Service request
Service request screen layout
Adding a basic service request
Adding an advanced service request
Assets screen layout
Asset information blocks
Adding a service request for an asset
Configuring and using external scanners
Using the RFID scanner to find an asset by tag
Properties screen layout
Property information blocks
BIM viewer toolbar