Apps : Planon AppSuite : Planon AppSuite : Assets : Using the RFID scanner to find an asset by tag
Using the RFID scanner to find an asset by tag
If you are looking for a specific asset that is out of your visual range, but that is expected to be close by, you can use the RFID scanner to find it by its tag.
This search can only be performed if an RFID scanner is connected and if the asset's tag is entered in Planon ProCenter > Assets .
1. In Planon AppSuite, go to the Assets module.
2. Use the filter to find the asset you want to locate.
3. Tap this asset, to go to its details.
4. Tap the Search for tag icon.
Screen capture of the Search for tag icon
5. Aim the scanner at the asset's presumed location.
The scanner will continuously scan the space for the asset's tag. When the scanner detects the tag, its proximity is indicated with a signal strength percentage. The higher the percentage, the nearer the asset is.
6. Close the search after you have detected the asset.