About Cost Settlement
Cost settlement profile (CSP)
Counter readings
Costs to be settled
Meter definition
Rentable units
Cost settlement solution
Cost settlement run TSI
Cost settlement status
Working with Cost Settlement
Defining a cost settlement profile and cost settlement profile lines
Creating formulas
Enabling counters for cost settlement
Adding invoices and invoice lines
Importing contract costs
Adding a cost settlement
Using a deviating currency for a cost settlement
Settling costs
Finalizing a settlement
Viewing the costs for lessees
Viewing prepayments
Viewing the costs for the lessor
Deep copying a cost settlement profile
Deep copying a cost settlement
Cost settlement - example
Field descriptions
Cost settlement profile fields
Cost settlement profile line fields
Formula fields
Invoice fields
Invoice line fields
Cost settlement fields
Lessor costs - fields
Lessee costs - fields
Contract fields
Contract line fields
Order costs fields
Spaces and Space usage fields
Rentable unit fields
Volume license in Cost settlement