About CAD Import
CAD drawing requirements for CAD Import
CAD import XRef support
Space entities (gross & net)
Space code
Floor entities (gross & net)
Crossing polylines
Rent From / Rent To entities (gross & net)
Asset code
Flexible workspaces
Fixed workspaces
CAD Import - Concepts
CAD drawing definition
CAD import definition
CAD business object
Block (AutoCAD)
Layer (AutoCAD)
Polyline (AutoCAD)
Attribute (AutoCAD)
MText objects (AutoCAD)
AEC-objects and MV-blocks (AutoCAD)
CAD business object mapping
Field mapping
Import logs
Import log details
CAD drawing definitions
Adding a CAD drawing definition
Creating history automatically
Adding CAD business objects
Mapping CAD business objects
Mapping fields
Drawing configuration tips for Agile Workplace Management
Correcting the unit of length in a drawing
Wildcard layer
CAD import definitions
Adding a CAD import definition
Mapping a CAD drawing to a floor
CAD drawing verification
Verification rule set
Verification overview
Checking drawing dimensions
Automatically correcting CAD drawings
Verifying your CAD drawings
Including metadata in an AutoCAD drawing
CAD Import settings
CAD Integrator settings
Output folder
Import spaces
Import ‘Rent to’ units
Import 'Rent from' units
Import assets
Import flexible workspaces
Import fixed workspaces
Import persons
Space filter
Property code retrieval settings
Floor code retrieval settings
Running a CAD import
Download logs
Roundtrip of AutoCAD drawings
Additional CAD Import information
Configuring a space-in-space
Importing area values on the floor attributes of a property
Removing metadata after import
Downloading the EOS CAD tool
Loading the EOS CAD tool
Finding a handle-ID in a CAD drawing
Clearing Planon metadata
CAD Import – Field Descriptions
Mapping CAD drawing to floor - fields
CAD drawing definition fields
CAD linked spaces fields
CAD linked ‘Rent to’ units fields
CAD linked ‘Rent from’ units fields
CAD linked assets fields
CAD linked persons fields
CAD business object mapping fields - polylines
CAD business object mapping fields - blocks
CAD business object mapping fields - layers
Field mapping fields