Service availability
Trust dashboard
Major problem
Minor problem
History past 30 days
Cloud performance
Cloud Performance Testing
Accessing the portal
Requesting a performance test
URLS for performance testing
Testing in the Cloud
Cross site request forgery
Available APIs
API availability across software versions
Cloud System Management
Emailing in the Cloud
Uploading and configuring TMS
Availablility gadget
Configuring availability reporting
Availability reporting
Single Sign On
Using SAML
The Planon identity broker solution
The SSO flow
Prerequisites - SAML assertion to be sent to Planon
Activating Keycloak
Configuring Keycloak
Replacing the certificate
Rearranging the mappers
Service Provider metadata
Custom domain allowance
Logging out of Planon Cloud
KeyCloak secure configuration considerations
Logging out from Planon Cloud
Logging out from Planon Cloud but not from IDP
Logging out from all used components
Testing the solution
SSO troubleshooting
Planon authentication
Configuring Planon User federation
Security logging
Logging for anonymization
What is logged?
Software health check