History past 30 days
The History past 30 days part displays the history of problems of the past 30 days.
Time line
The thickness of the line is determined by the duration of the incident or of grouped incidents. The minimum is 1 pixel. Example: A 15 minutes downtime for a customer, will display the minimum of 1 pixel on the day block
Mouseover on a day shows all the incidents of that day.
Incidents at the same time window are grouped in lines that are displayed (thicker line). Incidents that occurred at different times, will display multiple vertical lines.
Mouseover on a day that contains multiple major/minor incidents shows the appropriate values.
Solved incidents stay the same color, but the mouseover pop-up box indicate that the problem is resolved (resolved date is filled in)
The pop-up box on mouseover shows the start date, start time, end time and current status of the problem: Solved or Working on it.
The legend explains the meaning of the colors used.