Web services
Creating a web service
Adding a web service definition
Linking business object definitions to a web service definition
Linking field definitions to a web service BO definition
Supported fields
Linking actions to a web service BO definition
Generating, compiling and deploying a web service
Generating a web service
Compiling a web service
Deploying a web service
Verifying the deployed web services
Configuring axis2.xml
Developing a Web service client
Session management
SessionID vs Access key
Typical web service client operation
Searching/filtering for instances of business objects
Handling date and date-time fields
Modification date-time
Referring to other business objects from a web service
Reading and changing the status of a business object
Status transition for orders based on a standard order
Adding time schedule to Maintenance Activity Definition in web services
Adding person type reference field
Working with Composite BOs using web services
Filtering on Person type
Supported Methods in web services
Web services and time zones
Property date-time
Transaction date-time
Neutral date-time
BO types and their methods
Method Parameter Explanation
Frequently asked questions