Application management : Tools : Web Services : Creating a web service : Verifying the deployed web services
Verifying the deployed web services
Shortly after you have deployed your Web service, you can verify if it is up and running by using the path below: http://{servername or IP address}:{port number}/nyx/services/listServices.
Two new web services should be listed, for example, 'Person', along with a 'PlanonSession'. Also listed is the EPR (Endpoint Resource) for accessing your Web service from clients. Click on the service name-links to see the WSDL for that web service.
When you update the web services to a new version, you must compile, generate and deploy the web services once again. In case of a problem, contact your application manager.
Whenever changes are made in any of the involved business objects in Planon ProCenter, the web services must also be regenerated, compiled and deployed again to affect the changes via web services as well.
Whenever the web services APIs change, the web services need to be regenerated, recompiled and redeployed.