Application management : Tools : Web Services : Supported Methods in web services
Supported Methods in web services
Web services support the Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) actions.
When a user generates a web service, the <BOName> file is generated. This file lists all the methods that are supported by web services for this BO.
The generated methods also depend on the user authorization done on the BO.
The following table lists the methods supported by the web services when a BO is exported from Planon ProCenter:
Method in WSDL
Action in Planon Procenter
Example: public Person createPerson(final StringaSessionId)
Example: public UsrWerkorderalgemeen createUsrWerkorderalgemeenPart(final String aSessionId, final int aBaseOrderPrimaryKey, final UsrWerkorderalgemeen aNewPartPOJO)
This method is used to create a business object which is a dependent one in a composite relationship using web services in Planon ProCenter.
create<BOName>( <parameter set>)
Example: public CommunicationLog createCommunicationLogWithArguments (final String aSessionId, final Integer aSyscode, final String aBOType)
Example: public UsrReservering createUsrReserveringWithArguments (final String aSessionId, final Date aBeginDateTime, final Date aEndDateTime, final Integer aReservationUnitRef, final Integer aPersonCount, final Integer aDeskConfigurationRef)
Return type: Object.
Input parameters: String SessionId, Integer aSyscode, String aBOType
You can also use the create methods, with Arguments.
Only the BOs that require parameters passed as part of the create (ADD BOM) must use Create method(With Arguments).
If the parameters are not passed correctly while executing this method, an error message occurs and the system shuts down.
Example: public Person read(final String aSessionId, final int aPrimaryKey)
Example: public Person save(final String aSessionId, final Person aPOJO)
Example:public Boolean delete(final String aSessionId, final int aPrimaryKey)
Example: public int[] find(final String aSessionId, final PersonFilter aFilter)
Quick search in Planon ProCenter.
Example: public String getState(final String aSessionId, final Person aPOJO)
Gets the current state
Example: public Person setState(final String aSessionId, final Person aPOJO, final String aTargetState)
Sets the status of an instance of business object from its current state to its target state. It can set system statuses as well as user statuses depending on the business object type.
connectTo<Business Object>
Return type: void
Input parameters: Session ID, BOPrimaryKey, BOPrimaryKeyN.
Creates M-to-N relationships between two business objects.
disconnectFrom<Business Object>
Return type: void
Input parameters: Session ID, BOPrimaryKey, BOPrimaryKeyN.
Disconnects M-to-N relationships between two business objects.
Example: public Boolean connectToUsrSkills6897(final String aSessionId, final int aPrimaryKey, final int aPrimaryKeyN)
Marks all the M-to-N link actions for a business object.
The Link.SystemName is mentioned in the business object's Links tab in Layouts TSI.
Example: public Boolean DisconnectFromUsrSkills6897(final String aSessionId, final int aPrimaryKey, final int aPrimaryKeyN)
Unlinks the M-to-N actions on a business object.
Return type: Boolean.
Input parameters: String SessionId, String DataSection.
Changes the property set for a user through web services.
Return type: Boolean
Input parameters: String SessionId , java.util.Calendar.
Sets the reference date of a reference date aware business object. This method is available on
Return type: Boolean
Input parameters: String SessionId
Logs out a Planon session.
Return type: InventoryItem.
Input parameters: String SessionId, Object InventoryItem.
Creates a sub-asset on the asset indicated by the parameter.
Example: public Boolean archive(final String aSessionId, final int aPrimaryKey)
Archives a business object.
Example: public Boolean dearchive(final String aSessionId, final int aPrimaryKey)
Dearchives a business object.
Additional method that only applies to business objects with time-aware M:n links in Service Providers solution mode!
Adds a time-aware M:n record (link to another business object).
Additional method that only applies to business objects with time-aware M:n links in Service Providers solution mode!
Sets an end date for a time-aware M:n record (link to another business object).
BaseOrder BO has Save and Delete methods.