Application management : Tools : Web Services : Filtering on Person type
Filtering on Person type
The following is true for the Person type field which supports 'contains' operator:
The field PersonType supports 'contains' operator. User must specify the right 'String' for the person type. Person Type being a special field, gets stored in the database as string made of numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 where each digit specifies the selection of the particular type.
That is, if Type 1 and 3 are selected, '1 3' get stored in database. However. you must ensure that you specify the same string in the filter parameter.
For example, if you like to search the Person type A and C in the database which will be stored in a pattern like(1 3), then ABCD will be 1234.
The following example gives you all the person types having person type selected A and C:
<xsd1:filterValue>1 3</xsd1:filterValue>