Application management : Tools : Web Services : Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
Q: The Web server complains about not being able to find the class ‘nl/planon/util/pnlogging/PnLogger.class' or ‘nl/planon/hades/valueobject/IBOValue.class'.
A: Make sure the Axis2 directory in ...\Server\tomcat-*\webapps is removed prior to deploying a new Axis2.war file. If you do not do this, your updated WAR-file will not be redeployed and thus your changes are not visible.
Q: I'm working with Axis2 and Java, but my Web service crashes without much information. How can I get more debug information?
A: Update the ‘' in your Axis2 installation directory. Replace the line "log4j.rootCategory = INFO, CONSOLE" with "log4j.rootCategory = DEBUG, CONSOLE" an restart your client to see verbose information about what it is doing.
Q: I try to run my Axis2, but it keeps complaining about classes not being found! What should I do?
A: If you want to run your Java Web service client using Axis2, you need to add (almost) all Axis2 JAR-files to the classpath. For your convenience, you can use the following batch-file:
-- snip --

@echo off
set AXIS2_HOME=c:\path\to\axis2
set JAVA_HOME=c:\path\to\java
set WS_CLIENT_JAR=c:\path\to\myclient.jar
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -cp "%WS_CLIENT_JAR%;%AXIS2_HOME%*" %WS_MAIN_CLASS% %1 %2
-- snip --
Save the above snippet into a file ending with the `.bat' extension, for example, ‘run.bat', and adjust the first three set-commands to your situation. Note that lines ending with ‘↵’ are continued on the following line, and should result in a single line in your batch file;
Q: I want to make Web service calls from a client, how should I do this?
A: Take a look at the sample code generated; you can use the Stub-named class directly to talk to your Web service. You do not need to instantiate the Service-classes yourself! This is done by the Web service container, and should not be done at the client.