Application management : Tools : Web Services : Developing a Web service client : Working with Composite BOs using web services
Working with Composite BOs using web services
Composite Business Objects are those that either have a dependent (part) or a primary (whole) relationship with another BO.
A primary – dependent relationship is a relationship where the instance of the dependent business object cannot exist without the existence of an instance of the primary object.
In Planon ProCenter, in Field definer, the Technical information tab for any business object informs the user if the business object is composite or not.
To create an instance of a BO which is dependent in a composite relationship using web services in Planon ProCenter, the web services exposes a method to create the instance of the dependent BO from the instance of the primary BO.
For example, to create a work order which is a dependent in the whole part relationship with the base order, you must use this method and pass the primary key of the base order type, the session id and the partBusinessObject instance.
* Creates a new, unsaved UsrWerkorderalgemeen part instance.
public UsrWerkorderalgemeen createUsrWerkorderalgemeenPart
(final String aSessionId, final int aBaseOrderPrimaryKey,
final UsrWerkorderalgemeen aNewPartPOJO)throws AxisFault {