Application management : Tools : Web Services : Creating a web service : Linking actions to a web service BO definition
Linking actions to a web service BO definition
After creating a web service definition and linking business object definitions to it, you can also link actions to it.
1. In Web services, select a web service definition and go to Business object definitions.
2. Select the business object definition for which you want to specify the actions to be used by your new web service.
3. On the action panel, click Link actions.
Select one or more actions from the Available list and move to the In use list.
Note that the actions will also include status transitions.
4. Click OK.
The actions are linked to the business object definition. The actions linked to the web service can be seen in the Web service details selection level.
The Web service details selection level will be active only if a business object is selected in the Business object definitions selection level.